8.8 Lubrication of Articular Cartilage
Synovial joints subjected to enormous range of loading conditions
Cartilage typically sustains little wear
Implication: Sophisticated lubrication process required
8.8.1 Joint Lubrication
- Amazing engineering feat
- Coefficient of friction of cartilage on cartilage somewhere around 0.001!!!!
- Compare to Teflon on Teflon = .04
8.8.2 Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
8.8.3 Boundary Lubrication (dominant for low loads)
- Surfaces of cartilage protected by a layer of boundary lubricant
- Direct surface-to-surface contact is prevented
- Most surface wear eliminated
- Lubricin (glycoprotein) - a synovial fluid constituent -
responsible for boundary lubricant
- Adsorbed as monolayer to each articular surface
- Able to carry loads (normal forces) and reduce friction
8.8.4 Boundary Lubrication (dominant for low loads)
- Primarily depends on chemical properties of lubricant
- Function largely independent of physical properties of lubricant (e.g., viscosity) and bearing material (e.g., stiffness)
- In contrast to fluid-film lubrication
- Also functions under high loads at low relative velocities, preventing direct contact between surfaces
8.8.5 Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
8.8.6 Fluid-film Lubrication
- Thin film of lubricant separates bearing surfaces
- Load on bearing surfaces supported by pressure developed in fluid-film
- Lubrication characteristics determined by lubricant’s properties
- Rheological properties (i.e., everything flows… but rate matters)
- Viscosity and elasticity
- Film geometry
- Shape of gap between surfaces
- Speed of relative motion of two surfaces
- Rheological properties (i.e., everything flows… but rate matters)
8.8.7 Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
8.8.8 Hydrodynamic Lubrication
- Occurs when 2 nonparallel rigid bearing surfaces move
tangentially with respect to each other and are lubricated
by a fluid-film
- Wedge of converging fluid formed
- Lifting pressure generated in wedge by fluid viscosity as the bearing motion drags fluid into gap
8.8.9 Schematic of Hydrodynamic Lubrication
8.8.10 Schematic of Hydrodynamic Lubrication
8.8.11 Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
8.8.12 Squeeze-film Lubrication
- Occurs when weight bearing surfaces move toward each other (normal-normal)
- Wedge of converging fluid formed
- Pressure in fluid-film result of viscous resistance of fluid that acts to impede its escape from the gap
- Sufficient to carry high loads for short durations (eventually contact between asperities in bearing surfaces)
8.8.13 Schematic of Squeeze-film Lubrication
8.8.14 Schematic of Squeeze-film Lubrication
8.8.15 Articular Cartilage Asperities and Lubrication
- Articular cartilage not perfectly smooth; asperities
- Fluid film lubrication in regions of cartilage non-contact
- Boundary lubricant (lubricin) in areas of asperities
- Low rates of interfacial wear suggests that asperity contact rarely occurs in articular cartilage
8.8.16 Asperities in Articular Cartilage
8.8.17 Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
8.8.18 Modes of Mixed Lubrication
- Combination of fluid-film and boundary lubrication
- Temporal coexistence of fluid-film and boundary lubrication at spatially distinct locations
- Joint surface load sustained by fluid-film and boundary lubrication Most friction in boundary lubricated areas; most load supported by fluid-film
8.8.19 Modes of Mixed Lubrication
- Boosted lubrication
- Shift of fluid-film to boundary lubrication with time over the same location
- Articular surfaces protected during loading by ultrafiltration of synovial through the collagen-Proteoglycan matrix
8.8.20 Modes of Mixed Lubrication
Boosted lubrication (continued)
- Solvent component of synovial fluid passes into the articular cartilage during squeeze-film action yielding a concentrated gel of HA protein complex that coats and lubricates the surfaces
- As articular surfaces approach each other, difficult for HA macromolecules to escape from gap between surfaces
8.8.21 Variation of Lubrication Processes for Articular Cartilage
- Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
- associated with deformable articular cartilage
- pressure from fluid-film deforms surfaces
8.8.22 Comparison of Hydrodynamic and Squeeze-film Lubrication under Rigid and Elastodynamic Conditions
8.8.23 Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
- Beneficial increase in surface areas
- Lubricant escapes less rapidly from between the bearing surfaces
- Longer lasting lubricant film generated
- Stress of articulation lower and more sustainable
- Elastohydrodynamic lubrication greatly increases load bearing capacity
8.8.24 Dynamic Relationship between Vertical Load and Hip Joint Lubrication
Support phase
- Initial load on hip at heel contact likely supported by hydrodynamic lubrication
- As load continues, fluid is squeezed between articular surfaces and is supported more by squeeze-film lubrication
Swing phase
- Small vertical load on hip articular cartilage supported by hydrodynamic lubrication
8.8.25 Dynamic Relationship between Vertical Load and Hip Joint Lubrication
- at Time = start
- Load on hip supported by squeeze-film lubrication
- at Time = 3 minutes
- Over time fluid-film may be eliminated and surface-to-surface contact may occur
- Surfaces protected by thin layer of ultrafiltrated synovial gel (boosted lubrication) or by the adsorbed lubricin monolayer (boundary lubrication)