6.6 Sources of Anthropometric Data

    • The Anthropometric Survey of US Army Personnel
    • data were published internally in 2012, publicly in 2017.
    • Likely the most comprehensive publicly available data set on body size and shape.
    • Includes 93 measures for over 6,000 adult US military personnel (4,082 men and 1,986 women).
    • It is still not an approximation of the US Civilian population. * Consequently, while there is useful information here, designs and standards based on these data will not accommodate most user populations in the intended manner.

    • The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is conducted continuously in the United States.
    • The studies started in the mid-20th century and originally targeted specific groups (adults, children, Hispanics, etc.).
    • Beginning in 1999 the data were gathered continuously and released in two year cycles.
    • Objective is to obtain an overall health picture of the US civilian population, the large data set only contain a few measures of body size and shape.
      • Stature, mass, BMI, and waist circumference.