23.23 Abduction

  • Abduction requires several muscles… no muscle is individually responsible

  • Three stages:

    • Scapulo-humeral roation

      • Allows for 90\(^{\circ}\) of abduction by the combined action of deltoid, superior stabilizers (supraspinatus, long head of the biceps), and lateral stabilizers (subscapularis, infraspinatus, pectoralis major,a nd latissimus dorsi
    • Rotation and scapular tilt give an additional arc of 60 \(^{\circ}\) (150\(^{\circ}\) total)

      • Muscles of serratus anterior and superior trapezius orientating the glenoid upwards, backwards, and outwards
    • Contralateral inclination of the spine from 150\(^{\circ}\)-180\(^{\circ}\)