8.5 Biomechanical Loading of Articular Cartilage
- Forces at joint surface vary from zero to several times body weight
- “Contact” area varies in a complex manner; typically only several square centimeters
- Potentially high pressures/stress
- Think of cartilage behavior with load as biphasic (solid component and water) … wet sponge?
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.5.1 Viscoelasticity
- Cartilage is viscoelastic
- Hysteresis
- Strain rate dependent on time
- Creep
- Stress relaxation
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.5.2 Impact of arrangement of collagen on mechanical properties
- Superficially:
- Tangential orientation of collagen resists shear as joint surfaces move past each other
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
- Middle:
- High water content, high Proteoglycan content
- With early load, water moves to joint space and participates in lubrication
- With late load, negative charge of Proteoglycan molecules begin to repulse each other and offer resistance to compression
- Fairly isotropic
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]