2.10 Grading Standard

Percentage Grade
>= 90 A
>= 85 BA
>= 80 B
>= 75 CB
>= 70 C
>= 65 DC
>= 60 D
<60 E
Task Percent
Homework and Quizzes 15%
Cumulative Project 35%
Cumulative Exams 50%

The grading scheme is visible in elearning in the gradebook section. It has detailed breakdowns of the grade weighting and is the definitive source of grading information.

2.10.1 Major graded items

  • Students will complete an analysis of a biomechanical structure of the students’ choosing.
    • The student will be required to perform a literature survey, analyze the relevant structure, summarize the research and analysis in a paper, and present the work to the class.
    • It is recommended that the analysis include a finite element analysis, a musculskeletal dynamics simulation, and/or biomechanical testing, however, the student can choose to do any significant analysis that is appropriate to their topic.