30.4 Compute Tukey Honest Significant Differences –

  • computes confidence intervals on differences of means between levels of a parameter.
  • Post-hoc tukey tests gives us pairwise comparisons for all 3 of our groups
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = Strength ~ Type, data = df)
## $Type
##                   diff  lwr upr p adj
## Control-Bunnell   -9.9  -54  34  0.93
## Hybrid-Bunnell   115.1   71 159  0.00
## Krakow-Bunnell     3.6  -40  47  1.00
## Hybrid-Control   125.0   81 169  0.00
## Krakow-Control    13.5  -30  57  0.85
## Krakow-Hybrid   -111.5 -155 -68  0.00