8.6 Mechanical properties
- Anisotropic - differ with direction of loading (may be associated with zonal arrangement of collagen)
- Heterogeneous (due to varying collagen, proteoglycan, and water content)
- Poroelastic solid – Biphasic
- Flow of interstitial fluid through the matrix and resistance of matrix to the flow (and is dominant in dynamic response)
- Intrinsic: flow-independent behavior of
collagen-proteoglycan matrix
- Intrinsic properties are not representative of in vivo behavior, however, they affect fluid flow
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.1 Material Properties of Articular Cartilage
- “Split lines” - surface collagen fiber pattern; functionally related to tensile strength (and highest modulus aligned with split lines)
- Referred to in @Bartel2006 p133
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.2 Uniaxial tensile test
Typical stress-strain behavior for articular cartilage subjected to tensile loading at a low constant strain rate.
- Low constant strain rate
- Values higher than “equilibrium” due to dynamic nature of test
- Some fluid flow occurs (Model does match/accommodate fluid flow present in physiologic loading)
- This dynamic Young’s modulus (from linear region) is ~ 40-400 MPa
[ ( @Bartel2006 Ch 4.2. ) ]
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.3 Equilibrium stress-strain behavior
- Can be determined from steady-state response of tensile creep loading with no fluid flow
- Linear up to strains of 15%
- Modulus ~ 4-10 MPA depending on specimen location in joint
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.4 Intrinsic compressive properties
- Confined compression creep test: is a uniaxial strain test.
- Chamber restrict deformation except along axis of loading
- an applied constant stress
- fluid can escape through porous surface of test fixture
- creep occurs and eventually equilibrium (steady-state is reached when fluid flow stops)
- Experiment is repeated over various stresses and respective strains and aggregate modulus \(H_A\) is obtained (typically 0.3-1.3 MPa)
[ (slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage, @Geeslin2016Cartilage) ]
8.6.5 Intrinsic compressive properties
- Compressive equilibrium and \(H_A\)
- Depends on repulsive electrical charges of Proteoglycan, increases with increased Proteoglycan content (next slide)
- Unrelated to collagen content (structurally) although collagen constrains separation of Proteoglycan, resulting in internal tensile stresses
8.6.6 Intrinsic compressive properties
- Early load results in fluid efflux
- Late load results in increased charge density due to negative Proteoglycan side-chains
- Note “Permeability” is another factor which can be quantified - Resistance to flow
[ ( adapted from @Jastifer2010Cartilage @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.7 “Creep” manifestation in cartilage confined compression tests
- Constant load applied (in the test)
- Deformation is not instantaneous, as it would be in a single-phase elastic material such as a spring.
- Displacement of the cartilage is a function of time, since the
fluid cannot escape from the matrix instantaneously
- Initially, the displacement is rapid. This corresponds to a relatively large flow of fluid out of the cartilage.
- As the rate of displacement slows and the displacement approaches a constant value, the flow of fluid likewise slows.
- Equilibrium takes several thousand seconds
Note this is very different from classical metal creep
[ ( adapted from @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.8 Intrinsic compressive properties
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.9 Water content and compressive modulus
- Dependence of equilibrium compressive aggregate modulus for human patellar cartilage on water content. @Armstrong1982
- Less water means less proteoglycan per unit volume? (Also a function of aging.)
8.6.10 Pure Shear
- Small torsional displacements of cylindrical samples (which produce pure shear), result in no volume change of the cartilage to drive fluid flow.
- The interstitial fluid (water) has low viscosity and does not make an appreciable contribution to resisting shear.
- Therefore, the resistance to shear is due to the solid matrix.
- Tests of cartilage in shear show that the matrix behaves as a viscoelastic solid

[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.11 Shear
- Flow-independent shear rigidity of cartilage likely due to collagen fibers
- Proteoglycan likely interact to support matrix
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.12 Shear: collagen and modulus
8.6.13 Shear Stress
- High poison’s ratio, thus normal load leads to large lateral displacement relative to bone, thus high shear stresses at cartilage/bone interface
- Not intuitive but joints aren’t normal, and thus see shear stress
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.14 Stress relaxation
- Material subjected to constant deformation
- High initial stress
- Progressive decrease in the stress required to maintain deformation
(Mow 1977)
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.15 Compression and permeability (of cartilage plug)
As you compress the tissue, you do two things:
- Close the space for water to flow through by compacting tissue
- and Increase charge density thus slowing flow.
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.16 Creep and stress relaxation
- Stress Relaxation
- Nonlinear phenomenon
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
8.6.17 Permeability
- Permeability, κ, is the ease of fluid flow
- Flow velocity proportional to pressure gradient
- \(10^{-15}\) to \(10^{-16} m^4/Ns\)

- As cartilage is compressed (and fluid flows from cartilage) the permeability decreases (with increased strain), and stiffness increases which prevents further loss of fluid
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
- If a pressure difference of 210,000 Pa (about the same pressure as in an automobile tire) is applied across a slice of cartilage 1 mm thick, the average fluid velocity will be only \(1\times10^{-8}\) m/s
8.6.18 Cartilage - putting it together
- As you stand
- Complex interaction of stress in the cartilage matrix and pressure in the fluid.
- Cartilage stops itself from “bottoming out” because its permeability decreases with increased strain, and it’s stiffness increases.
- Cartilage has to be thought of as a dynamic structure (see example 4.2)
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.19 Clinical Correlate
- Arthritic cartilage has a lower modulus and increased permeability (higher water content, lower proteoglycan content).
- This leads to greater and more-rapid deformation than normal.
- Theoretically, these changes may influence the metabolic activity of the chondrocytes, which are known to respond to their mechanical environment (mechanotransduction).
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.20 Clinical Correlate
- Hypothesis
- Cartilage thought to fail in tension/shear at surface that creates a fissure that propagates
- Fact
- Femoral head arthritis far more likely than talus arthritis (contradiction?)
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.21 Clinical Correlate
- Old cartilage fails earlier than young cartilage
[ ( slide credit: @Jastifer2010Cartilage ) ]
8.6.22 Clinical correlates
Return to this figure:
- Disruption of the collagen fibril meshwork allows the Proteoglycan to expand, increases \(H_2O\), decreases Proteoglycan
- Less repulsive electrostatic forces to resist loading
- Decrease in cartilage stiffness, increase in matrix permeability
- In osteoarthritis, decreased Proteoglycan and increased \(H_2O\) - Greater deformation - Altered mechanotransduction?
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]