18 Beam Bending
18.1 Definition of a beam
18.1.1 Definition of a beam
Beam of arbitrary cross section
- Assumptions that underlie beam theory
- A beam is much longer than its characteristic cross section
- A beam carries:
- Axial forces (P)
- Shear forces (S)
- Distributed loads (p)
- Torques (T)
- Bending moments (M)
- The reference line for a beam is the line of the centroids
- The reference line is often assumed to be straight
18.2 Kinematics of an Euler-Bernoulli beam
18.2.1 Definition of an Euler-Bernoulli beam
An Euler-Bernoulli beam also assumes:
Plane sections remain plane under load
Plane sections remain perpendicular to the reference line
Therefore, the axial deformation is a linear function of the position in the plane of the cross section \[w(x,y,z) = w_0(z) + \alpha(z) x + \beta(z) y\]
18.2.2 Kinematics of an Euler-Bernoulli beam
Beam kinematics
Therefore: \[w(x,y,z) = w_0(z) - x {u {}_{,z}} - y {v {}_{,z}}\] Now, we can write strain: \[\begin{align} {\varepsilon_{zz}}=& \, {\frac{\partial w}{\partial z}} \\ {\gamma_{zy}}=& \, {\frac{\partial v}{\partial z}} + {\frac{\partial w}{\partial y}} = {\frac{\partial v_0}{\partial z}} + \beta = 0\\ {\gamma_{zx}}=& \, {\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}} + {\frac{\partial w}{\partial x}} = {\frac{\partial u_0}{\partial z}} + \alpha = 0\\ {\varepsilon_{zz}}=& \, {w_0 {}_{,z}} - x {\alpha {}_{,z}} - y {\beta {}_{,z}} \\ \end{align}\]
When the assumptions of an Euler-Bernoulli beam hold, shear deformation is assumed negligible: \[\begin{align} {\gamma_{zy}}=& \, 0 = {\frac{\partial v_0}{\partial z}} + \beta \\ {\gamma_{zx}}=& \, 0 = {\frac{\partial u_0}{\partial z}} + \alpha \\ \end{align}\] thus: \[\begin{align} \alpha(z) =& \, - {u {}_{,z}} \\ \beta(z) =& \, - {v {}_{,z}} \\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} {\varepsilon_{zz}}=& \, {w_0 {}_{,z}} - x {\alpha {}_{,z}} - y {\beta {}_{,z}} \\ \end{align}\]
18.2.3 Strain in a beam
\[\begin{align} {\varepsilon_{zz}}=& \, {w_0 {}_{,z}} - x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}}\\ {\varepsilon_{zz}}=& \, {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}} \end{align}\]
The symbol is the axial strain of the reference line.
The symbols and are the curvatures of the reference line in the \(x-z\) and \(y-z\) planes.
18.2.4 Stress in a beam
The stress can now be written: \[\begin{align} {\sigma_{zz}}=& \, E {\varepsilon_{zz}}\\ {\sigma_{zz}}=& \, E \left({\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}}\right) \end{align}\]
18.3 Beam loads
18.3.1 Axial load in a beam
The axial load in a beam can be expressed as: \[P = \int_A {\sigma_{zz}}\, dA\] \[dA = dx \cdot dy\] Therefore: \[\begin{align} P =& \, E \int_A \left({\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}}\right) \, dA\\ =& \, E \left({\varepsilon_{zz 0}}\int_A \, dA - {u {}_{,zz}} \int_A x \, dA - {v {}_{,zz}} \int_A y \, dA \right) \end{align}\]
18.3.2 Definitions
Lets define some terms: \[\begin{align} \int_A \, dA =& \, A \\ \int_A x \, dA =& \, x_c A \\ \int_A y \, dA =& \, y_c A \\ \end{align}\] Now we have: \[\begin{align} P =& \, E \left(A {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x_c A {u {}_{,zz}} - y_c A {v {}_{,zz}} \right) \\ \end{align}\]
18.3.3 Choice of coordinate system
We choose our coordinate system so that: \[\begin{align} x_c = 0 \\ y_c = 0 \\ \end{align}\] Which leads to: \[\begin{align} P =& \, E A \, {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}\\ \end{align}\]
- This means that the axial force in the beam is due to the elongation of the centroidal axis and is not related to the bending of the beam.
18.3.4 Bending moments about \(x\)
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\[\begin{align} {\sigma_{zz}}=& \, E \left({\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}}\right) \end{align}\] The resultant bending moment about the centroid is: \[M_x = \int_A y \cdot {\sigma_{zz}}\, dA\]
\[M_x = E \left( {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}\cdot \int_A y \, dA - {u {}_{,zz}} \cdot \int_A x y \, dA - {v {}_{,zz}} \cdot \int_A y^2 \, dA\right)\]
\(\int_A y \, dA = 0\) : By choice of coordinate system
\(\int_A x y \, dA = {I_{xy}}\) : Area product of inertia
\(\int_A y^2 \, dA = {I_{xx}}\) : Area moment of inertia about \(x\)-axis
Note: \({I_{xy}}= 0\) if there is symmetry about the \(x\) or \(x\) axis. (If there is symmetry about another axis, the computation can be transformed to be about the principal axis of the cross section.)
If \(E=E(x,y)\), then it must remain inside the integral and we do not have a clean separation between material and cross-section properties
18.3.5 Bending moments about \(y\)
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\[\begin{align} {\sigma_{zz}}=& E \left({\varepsilon_{zz 0}}- x {u {}_{,zz}} - y {v {}_{,zz}}\right) \end{align}\] The resultant bending moment about the centroid is: \[M_y = - \int_A x \cdot {\sigma_{zz}}\, dA\]
\[M_y = - E \left( {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}\cdot \int_A x \, dA - {u {}_{,zz}} \cdot \int_A x^2 \, dA - {v {}_{,zz}} \cdot \int_A x y \, dA\right)\]
\(\int_A x \, dA = 0\) : By choice of coordinate system
\(\int_A x y \, dA = {I_{xy}}\) : Area product of inertia
\(\int_A x^2 \, dA = {I_{yy}}\) : Area moment of inertia about -axis
Note: \({I_{xy}}= 0\) if there is symmetry about the \(x\) or \(y\) axis (If there is symmetry about another axis, the computation can be transformed to be about the principal axis of the cross section.)
\[\begin{align} M_x =& \, - E{I_{xy}}{u {}_{,zz}} - E{I_{xx}}{v {}_{,zz}} \\ M_y =& \, + E{I_{yy}}{u {}_{,zz}} + E{I_{xy}}{v {}_{,zz}} \\ \frac{P}{A} =& \, E {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}= {\sigma_{zz}}^{\mathrm{ave}} \\ \end{align}\]
These equations are uncoupled due to the centroidal -axis
Note also we can invert and solve
18.4 Differential equations of static equilibrium
18.4.1 Axial static equilbrium
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In the axial direction (\(z\)):
- \(P = P(z)\) – axial force resultant
- \(p_z = p_z(z)\) – distributed axial load [force/length]
- e.g., \(p_z = \rho A g_z\)
- Note \(\rho g_z\) is related to the stress equilibrium equations (body force per unit volume) as \(b_z = \rho g_z\)
- \(\displaystyle\sum F_z = 0 = P(z + dz) - P(z) + p_z dz\)
- \(0 = \frac{P(z + dz) - P(z)}{dz} + p_z\)
- \(\frac{d P}{d z} = - p_z(z)\)
- For \(P = {\sigma_{zz}}\cdot A = E A \, {\varepsilon_{zz 0}}= E A \, {{w}_0 {}_{,z}}\)
- \({\frac{d P(z)}{d z}} = {\frac{d }{d z}} \left[ E A {\frac{d w_0}{d z}} \right] = - p_z(z)\)
- For constant \(EA\), \(E A \, {w_0 {}_{,zz}} = - p_z(z)\)
- Note, when \(p_z = 0\), the axial force does not vary (for small deflections)
18.4.2 Bending static equilibrium
Beam bending: In the lateral directions (\(x\) & \(y\)):
- (\(S_x\) ; \(S_y\)) - shear force resultants
- (\(p_x\) ; \(p_y\)) - distributed lateral loads [force/length]
- (\(M_x\) ; \(M_y\)) - bending moment resultants
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Summing forces, we find: \[\displaystyle \sum F_x = S_x + p_x dz = 0\] \[{\frac{d S_x(z)}{d z}} = -p_x\]
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Using similar arguments, we can find: \[{\frac{d S_y(z)}{d z}} = -p_y\]
Now use moment equilibrium and including bending moments:
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Consider first the counterclockwise moments about \(y\) axis (using the the center as reference point): \[\begin{align} \left(M_y + d M_y\right) - M_y + (S_x+d S_x) \frac{d z}{2} + (S_x) \frac{d z}{2} =& \; 0\\ d M_y = -(2 S_x +d S_x)\frac{d z}{2} \end{align}\] Because \(d S_x\) is small in the limit as \(d z\) goes to zero. \[\begin{align} \frac{dM_y}{dz} =& -S_x \\ \end{align}\]
The same can be applied to moments about the \(x\) axis:
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Note carefully the difference in the convention for direction of the moments. \[\begin{align} \frac{dM_x}{dz} =& +S_y \\ \end{align}\]
In summary, equilibrium arguments require: \[\begin{align} {\frac{d S_x(z)}{d z}} =& -p_x \\ {\frac{d S_y(z)}{d z}} =& -p_y \\ \frac{d M_x}{dz} =& +S_y \\ \frac{d M_y}{dz} =& -S_x \\ \end{align}\]
Combining these leads to: \[\begin{align} \frac{d^2 M_x}{dz^2} =& -p_y \\ \frac{d^2 M_y}{dz^2} =& +p_x \\ \end{align}\]
Recall also: \[\begin{align} M_x =& \, - E{I_{xy}}{u {}_{,zz}} - E{I_{xx}}{v {}_{,zz}} \\ M_y =& \, + E{I_{yy}}{u {}_{,zz}} + E{I_{xy}}{v {}_{,zz}} \\ \end{align}\]
In matrix form these can be written as: \[\begin{align} \left\{ \begin{array}{c} M_x \\ M_y\\ \end{array} \right\} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} -EI_{xy} & -EI_{xx} \\ EI_{yy} & EI_{xy} \\ \end{array} \right] \left\{ \begin{array}{c} {u {}_{,zz}} \\ {v {}_{,zz}} \\ \end{array} \right\} \end{align}\]
Recall inversion: \[\begin{pmatrix}a & b \\ c & d \\ \end{pmatrix}^{-1} = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{d}{a\,d-b\,c} & -\frac{b}{a\,d-b\,c} \\ - \frac{c}{a\,d-b\,c} & \frac{a}{a\,d-b\,c} \\ \end{pmatrix}\]
Simple inversion yields the following: \[\begin{align} \left\{ \begin{array}{c} {u {}_{,zz}} \\ {v {}_{,zz}} \\ \end{array} \right\} = \frac{1}{\det EI} \left[ \begin{array}{cc} EI_{xy} & EI_{xx} \\ -EI_{yy} & -EI_{xy} \\ \end{array} \right] \left\{ \begin{array}{c} M_x \\ M_y\\ \end{array} \right\} \end{align}\] where: \[{\det EI} = + EI_{xx} EI_{yy} - (EI_{xy})^2\]
Now, lets examine the stress equation again: \[\begin{align} \tag{18.1} {\sigma_{zz}}=& E \left( -{u {}_{,zz}} x - {v {}_{,zz}} y \right) \\ =& \frac{E}{\det EI} \left[ -x \left(EI_{xy} M_x + EI_{xx} M_y \right) + y \left(EI_{yy} M_x + EI_{xy} M_y\right) \right] \\ \end{align}\]
It is these equations which allow us to compute deflections, strains, and stresses from geometry, material, and loads.
18.5 Example: Uniform beam
Thus: \[\begin{align} \frac{d^2}{d z^2} \left[ E {I_{yy}}{u {}_{,zz}} + E {I_{xy}}{v {}_{,zz}} \right] =& \, p_x \\ \frac{d^2}{d z^2} \left[ E {I_{xy}}{u {}_{,zz}} + E {I_{xx}}{v {}_{,zz}} \right] =& \, p_y \\ \end{align}\]
If symmetry exists across the \(x\) or \(y\) axis, the bending equations are uncoupled. \[\begin{align} \frac{d^2}{d z^2} \left[ E {I_{yy}}{u {}_{,zz}} \right] =& \; p_x \\ \frac{d^2}{d z^2} \left[ E {I_{xx}}{v {}_{,zz}} \right] =& \; p_y \\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} M_x =& \, - E{I_{xx}}{v {}_{,zz}} \\ M_y =& \, + E{I_{yy}}{u {}_{,zz}} \\ \end{align}\]
18.5.1 With uniform loading
Cantilever beam uniformly loaded
\[\begin{align} E I_{yy} \; {u {}_{,zzzz}} =& \; p_x \\ E I_{yy} \; {u {}_{,zzz}} =& \; p_x z + C_1 \\ E I_{yy} \; {u {}_{,zz}} =& \; p_x \frac{z^2}{2} + C_1 z + C_2\\ E I_{yy} \; {u {}_{,z}} =& \; p_x \frac{z^3}{6} + C_1 \frac{z^2}{2} + C_2 z +C_3\\ E I_{yy} \; u(z) =& \; p_x \frac{z^4}{24} + C_1 \frac{z^3}{6} + C_2 \frac{z^2}{2} +C_3 z +C_4\\ \end{align}\]
What are some boundary conditions we can use: \[\begin{align} u(0) =& \; 0 \Longrightarrow C_4 = 0\\ u'(0) =& \; 0 \Longrightarrow C_3 = 0\\ \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} M(0) =& \; E I_{yy} {u {}_{,zz}} = \frac{p_x l^2}{2} \Longrightarrow C_2 = \frac{p_x l^2}{2}\\ M(l) =& \; E I_{yy} {u {}_{,zz}} = 0 \Longrightarrow C_1 = - l p_x\\ \end{align}\]
\[E I_{yy} u(z) = p_x \left(\frac{z^4}{24}-\frac{l\,z^3}{6}+\frac{l^2\,z^2}{4}\right)\]
Also at \(z=0\) \[\begin{split} {u {}_{,z}} =& \; 0 \Longrightarrow {u {}_{,z}} = -\frac{z}{270000} \\ {u {}_{,z}} =& \; -\frac{z}{270000} \Longrightarrow u = -\frac{z^2}{540000} + C \\ \end{split}\]
At \(z=0\): \[\begin{split} u =& \; 0 \Longrightarrow u = -\frac{z^2}{540000} \\ {v {}_{,zz}} =& \; \frac{(197 - 2 \cdot z)}{1620000} \\ {v {}_{,z}} =& \; \frac{(197 \cdot z - z^2)}{1620000} \\ v =& \; \left(\frac{197}{2} - \frac{z}{3}\right) \cdot \frac{z^2}{1620000} \\ \end{split}\]
18.5.2 Caution!!!
Plates and screws can often be modeled as symmetric/uniform...
Keep in mind bones are neither symmetric nor uniform
Our approach for modeling biological structures may be guided by engineering theories, but theories must not be blindly accepted as truth
18.5.3 Contact Relationship Between Components
Components | Relationship | Comments |
Screw - Bone (i.e. screw threads) | Rigid (tied contact) | Fixed all DOF |
Plate - Bone | Contact pair | Friction sliding (\(\mu=0.3\)) |
Fracture surfaces | Contact pair | Friction sliding (\(\mu=1.0\)) |
Plate - Screw (Conventional) | Universal joint | Provide a universal connection between the screw control node and nodes on the bearing surface of the plate. |
Plate - Screw (Locked) | Rigid | Provide a rigid connection between the screw control node and nodes on the bearing surface of the plate. |
Fracture type | Construct | Construct | Construct |
Neutralization plate (Conventional screw construct) | Neutralization plate (Fixed angle screw construct) | Lateral periarticular distal fibular plate (Fixed angle screw construct) | |
Comminuted fracture | Model #1 ![]() |
Model #3 ![]() |
Model #5 ![]() |
Danis-Weber B fracture | Model #2 ![]() |
Model #4 ![]() |
Model #6 ![]() |
Displacement (\(|\Delta \vec{u}|\)) Due to Fibulotalar Reaction Load and External Moment With Danis-Weber B Fracture
18.6 Bartel Chapter 5 Structural Analysis of Musculoskeletal Systems: Beam Theory
18.10 Advanced Structural Analysis of Musculoskeletal Systems Beam on elastic foundation
- Many engineered structures and orthopaedic structures behave as a beam on an elastic foundation
image Examples Free body diagram
Sum forces in \[\begin{split} V(x+dx) - V(x) +p(x) dx - q(x) dx =0 \\ {\frac{d V}{d x}} = q - p \end{split}\]
- Elastic force from the foundation: \(q(x) = k \cdot v(x)\)
Sum moments about \(x+dx\) \[\begin{split} M(x+dx)-M(x) + V(x) dx + q dx \frac{dx}{2} + p dx \frac{dx}{2} =0 \\ {\frac{d M}{d x}} = p - q \end{split}\] Governing differential equation
Moment equation \[M = EI \frac{d^2 v}{x^2}\]
Thus \[\frac{d^2}{x^2} \left(EI \frac{d^2 v}{x^2}\right) + k v(x) = p(x)\]
This is an ordinary differential equation that must be solved with boundary conditions
“Relatively easy” for distributed loads p(x) and infinite beams
Challenge for point loads and/or finite beam lengths as in the diagram... multiple equations needed for each “section”
The easiest of these problems don’t exist in orthopaedics
18.10.1 Torsion
18.10.2 Contact stress analysis Contact stress analysis
Joints and joint replacement put surfaces into contact
Most human and engineering joints have interfaces with similar material properties (modulus)
Bone-to-bone with cartilage bearing surfaces
Ceramic-to-ceramic for some implant interfaces
Orthopaedic implants are often composed of materials with dissimilar material properties
- Metal-to-polyethylene
When dissimilar, one material may be “rigid” relative to the other Conforming vs non-conforming surfaces
Non-conforming surfaces has surface contours which are not coincident
Conforming surfaces have coincident surfaces
The degree of conformity clearly influences the stress for a given force that is passed
The elastic modulus influences the amount of conformity through deformation of the surfaces Contact stress
The contact stress is not uniform over the contact surface (in most situations–perhaps all joints)
For spherical (or toroidal) surfaces, the contact pressure is largest at the center (or centerline)
For other surfaces, max pressure is often at or near the edge
All contact produces normal and shear stresses below the contact surface (even frictionless)
Appropriate friction and non-linear material properties are necessary for accurate models of joint-replacement failure
Fatigue due to cyclic loading may drive failure (ie gait) Hertz theory for contact between elastic bodies with similar moduli
Good approximate solution method for materials with similar moduli
Provides insights into other contact problems (rigid-compliant) Hertz theory for contact between elastic bodies with similar moduli
Maximum pressure \[\pmax = \frac{3 P}{2 \pi a^2}\]
- Contact radius \[a = 0.721 \left(P C_G C_M\right)^{1/3}\]
Shortening of the distance between spheres \[\delta = 1.04 \left(\frac{P^2 C_M^2}{C_G}\right)^{1/3}\]
\(C_G, C_M\) are geometric and material parameters
Material parameter \[C_M = \frac{1-\nu_1^2}{E_1} + \frac{1-\nu_2^2}{E_2}\]
Geometric parameter for this problem \[C_G = \frac{D_1 D_2}{D_1+D_2}\]
This is a non-linear response, as are all contact problems
Non-linearity in
The equations can be used to make general statements about the response when material or geometry changes
Must be aware of the limitations (assumptions)
Contact area is small relative to body
Both surfaces deform
Similar moduli, isotropic material Hertz theory for contact between elastic bodies Maximum normal stress as a function of load
Warning: other (non-normal) stresses are of interest as well!
image Sub-surface stresses in Hertzian contact

Tensile stress in radial direction around edges
Nearly hydrostatic at the center of the contact area
Maximum shear stress below the center of the contact area (\(z/a=0.51\)) with magnitude \(\tau_\mathrm{max} = 0.31 \pmax\) Summary and conclusion of contact stress discussion
Analytical solutions offer insights that numerical solutions cannot
ie, the non-linear dependence on material properties, geometry, etc
Analytical solutions guide the thought process for “real” contact problems
Numerical solutions are likely to be used for “accurate solutions to real problems”
Contact problems are non-linear
Contact involves shear and normal stresses, fatigue is an issue
Potentially drop from here to the next section