10 Bone Mechanics (Jastifer)
10.1 Bone Fracture Mechanics
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.1 Functions of Bones
- Support
- Protection
- Movement
- Mineral Storage
- Hematopoietic (bone marrow makes the cells of blood)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.4 Microscopic observation
- Composite material
- Basic unit: Haversian system (osteon)
- Weight %
- 2/3 inorganic material -Hydroxyapatite, \(3Ca^3(PO4)^2 Ca(OH)^2\)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.5 Haversian System
Picture courtesy Gwen Childs, PhD.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.6 Bone Remodeling
- Coupled process of bone resporption and formation
- In the first year of life, almost 100% of the skeleton is replaced.
- In adults, about 10% per year
- An imbalance in the regulation of bone remodeling results in many metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.7 Bone Remodeling
- Why do we need this process?
- Reshapes bones during growth
- Mineral balance (Calcium)
- Repair micro-damage
- Response to loads (Wolff)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.11 Bone Multicellular Unit
10.1.12 Microcracks
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.13 Bone repair
- 2 methods of bone repair
- Direct bone healing
- Direct apposition (touching) of bone surfaces
- Indirect bone healing
- Does not require apposition of bone surfaces
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.14 Direct bone healing
- Surfaces are close enough together that body treats it as a remodeling process
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Credit: JBJS (br) evolution of internal fixation of long bone fractures
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.15 Indirect Bone Healing
- Gap in fracture surfaces
- Resorption of surfaces (more to come) -
JBJS (br) Evolution of internal fixation of long bone fractures
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.16 Indirect repair summary
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.17 Bone Repair- response to catastrophic failure
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.1.18 Bone repair: Callus
Figure from Brighton, et al, JBJS-A, 1991.
- Within days, callus begins to form
- Composed of woven bone
- Function: Gradually enlarges fracture ends and thereby fracture cross sectional area
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2 Collagen orientation in woven bone (Callus)
With permission http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Woven_bone_matrix.jpg
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2.1 Also Example 8.1
Figure from: Browner et al, Skeletal Trauma 2nd Ed, Saunders, 1998.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2.2 Fracture Mechanics
- Time of Healing
- Callus increases with time
- Stiffness increases with time
- Near normal stiffness at 27 days
- Does not correspond to radiographs
Figure from: Browner et al, Skeletal Trauma, 2nd Ed, Saunders, 1998.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Credit: JBJS (br) Evolution of internal fixation of long bone fractures
- Indirect Bone Healing
- Gap in fracture surfaces
- Resorption of surfaces
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2.5 Why does resorption take place?
- Strain theory: “tissue cannot be produced under strain conditions which exceed the elongation at rupture of the given tissue element, such as a cell”
- Either absolute stability (direct bone healing) or elastic flexible fixation of a gap is required (indirect healing) -
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2.6 Resorption at fracture sites
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.2.7 Interfragmentary strain
It is easier to get a comminuted fracture to heal than a simple fracture
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.3 Bone Biomechanics
Bone is anisotropic
Ultimate Stress at Failure Cortical Bone Compression < 212 N/m2 Tension < 146 N/m2 Shear < 82 N/m2
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.4 Bone Biomechanics
10.5 Bone is viscoelastic:
Becomes stiffer in compression the faster it is loaded.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.6 Bone Mechanics
Bone Density - Subtle density changes greatly changes strength and elastic modulus - Density changes - Normal aging - Disease - Use - Disuse Figure from: Browner et al: Skeletal Trauma 2nd Ed. Saunders, 1998.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Fracture Mechanics
Figure from: Browner et al: Skeletal Trauma 2nd Ed, Saunders, 1998.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Intramedullary Nails - Device placed in intramedullary canal of long bones - Femur - Tibia - Humerus - Radius - Ulna - Metacarpals
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.6.1 IM Nails
- Moment of Inertia
- Bending rigidity is
- Product E*I
- Axial rigidity
- Product E*A
- Bending rigidity is
10.6.2 Torsional rigidity
- Product G*J where G is elastic shear modulus and J is torsional constant (for cylinder is equal to I)
Figure from: Browner et al, Skeletal Trauma, 2nd Ed, Saunders, 1998.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.6.3 Cross-Section Design
- 92% drop in torsional rigidity
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.6.4 Slotting-Torsion
- Slot in nail decreases torsional rigidity by 92%
Figure from: Tencer et al, Biomechanics in Orthopaedic Trauma, Lippincott, 1994.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
IM Nail Diameter
Figure from: Tencer et al, Biomechanics in Orthopaedic Trauma, Lippincott, 1994.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Biomechanics of Internal Fixation
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.7 Biomechanics of Plate Fixation
Plates: - Bending stiffness proportional to the thickness (h) of the plate to the 3rd power.
Base (b)
I= bh3/12
Heigh t (h)
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
Biomechanics of Plate Fixation Applied Load
Applied Load
Bone-Screw-Plate Relationship - Bone via compression - Plate via boneplate friction - Screw via resistance to bending and pull out.
Fracture Gap - Plate alone resists loads
Construct stiffness is similar however, Locking plates do not allow motion at near cortex
10.7.2 Biomechanics of External Fixation
10.7.3 Biomechanics of External Fixation
Pin Size
{Radius}4 Most significant factor in frame stability
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.8 Biomechanics of External Fixation
Can make a fixator more stable by:
- Increasing the pin diameter.
- Increasing the number of pins.
- Increasing the spread of the pins.
- Multiplanar fixation.
- Reducing the bone-frame distance.
- Predrilling and cooling during insertion (reducing thermal necrosis).
- Stacked frames.
**but a very rigid frame is not always good.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.9 Biomechanics of Screws
10.10 Screw Anatomy
Inner diameter Outer diameter Pitch
Figure from: Tencer et al, Biomechanics in OrthopaedicTrauma, Lippincott, 1994.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.11 Biomechanics of Screw Fixation
To increase strength of the screw, & resist fatigue: -
Increase the inner diameter
To increase pull out strength of screw in bone: -
Increase outer diameter Decrease inner diameter Increase thread density Increase thickness of cortex (of bone) Use cortex with more density (young patient).
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)
10.11.1 Biomechanics of Screw Fixation
- Cannulated Screws Increased inner root diameter required to compensate for cannulation.
- Relatively smaller thread width.
- Screw strength minimally affected
- (α r4outer core - r4inner core )
Figure from: Tencer et al, Biomechanics in OrthopaedicTrauma, Lippincott, 1994.
(Slide credit: @Jastifer2012Bone)