Example 1.5: Adding a Raster LayerIn addition to vector data support (point, lines, polygons, and annotations), MapServer can also display raster data. Through the use of GDAL library, MapServer can input and output multiple raster formats. Whereas in versions prior to 4.x raster input is limited to single layer, grayscale or indexed color images, MapServer now supports RGB and multispectral (multi-layer) images. This example shows how to select what layers to display when using multispectral data. There might be a noticeable performance hit when using RGB and multispectral images. Because MapServer 5.x uses GD version 2.0.x library to generate output images, it supports RGB (24-bit or true color) output as well. So, along with 8-bit (indexed color or grayscale) PNG, you can now also use PNG24 (true color) for output. This example uses PNG24 as IMAGETYPE. As with RGB input, there might be a noticeable performance hit when using PNG24. MapServer can actually use GDAL to generate output images as well but that's another topic. If you want to know more about it, look at the OUTPUTFORMAT object in the mapfile reference. This is what the mapfile looks like (Example1-5.map):
The mapfile structure, by objects, looks like this: MAP LAYER #1-------------LAYER #2----|----LAYER #3--------LAYER #4 (states_poly) (modis) (states_line) (states_label) | | | (land) CLASS-|-CLASS (water) |-CLASS |-CLASS | | | | STYLE-| |-STYLE |-STYLE STYLE-|-LABEL When you look at the mapfile, you'll see that the new LAYER object is added below (after) the state POLYGON layer. Why? MapServer displays layers in reverse order--last in, first out (LIFO). The first layer defined in the mapfile is drawn at the bottom of the map. So, if we have drawn the state POLYGON layer, it would be on the bottom. Since the raster layer gets drawn on top of it, we won't see it. That's why the first layer gets the STATUS value of OFF. The state LINE layer is defined below the raster layer so it gets drawn on top (and you can see it). This is why we separated the state LINE layer from the state POLYGON layer. Of course the labels get drawn on top of everything. MapServer can automatically turn layers on or off based on the status of other layers--say you want the states polygon layer turned off when the raster layer is turned on. This is done by using the REQUIRES parameter. Keep this in mind as you might want to use it once you start creating your own MapServer applications. Let's have a look at the new parameters introduced in the mapfile: IMAGETYPE SYMBOLSET DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE To compare map creation speed when using RGB image as opposed to indexed color image, replace the following lines in the mapfile: DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" with these: DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_idxa.tif" Also, try changing the IMAGETYPE from PNG24 to PNG. Back to Example 1.4 | Back to the Section 1 | Back to the Sections Page | Proceed to Example 1.6 |