MapServer 5.x Tutorial
1.1 - Map with a single layer
1.2 - Map with two layers from a single shapefile
1.3 - Using classes to create a "useful" map
1.4 - Labeling layers and Label layers
1.5 - Raster layers
1.6 - WMS layers
1.7 - Projections, deconstructed
1.8 - MapServer output formats
1.9 - Intro to MapServer Modes: map and browse
- Addendum (more examples):
- PostGIS layers
WMS Server
2.1- Pan and zoom
2.2 - Layer control
2.3 - Scalebar
2.4 - Legend
2.5 - Reference map
3.1 - Class-level Query Template
3.2 - Layer-specific Header and Footer Templates
3.3 - Map-wide Header and Footer Templates
3.4 - The QueryMap
4.1 - More CGI Variables
4.2 - Using JavaScript t0 Enhance the Application
4.3 - Links to Other Examples
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