'shpe' <name|!> ['pln' <P1> <P2> <P3>] | ['cyl' <P1> <P2> <R1>] | ['con' <P1> <P2> <R1> <R2>] | ['tor' <P1> <R1> <P2> <R2>] | ['sph'] <P1> <R1>]This keyword is used to create a shape which can be used to define the interiour of surfaces or to be used as a target for projections (see proj) or to split entities (see split). A plane shape is defined with the parameter ``pln'' followed by the names of three points:
'' instead of a name. See also ``qshp'' for the mouse controlled definition of shapes. It should be mentioned that all shapes are actually nurbs and that internally all nurbs which are used by surfaces are actually referenced by a shape as an interface.
Remark: A further shape type exists which links a nurbs to a surface definition. Such a shape will be automatically generated when a nurbs is finished by the ``END'' parameter using the same name as the nurbs. This shapes will not be written to a file but using the prnt command will list them:
shpe N001 NURS N001