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   'prnt' ['se'|'sq' <RETURN|set|*chars*> ['range']]|
          ['n'|'e' <set|*chars*> 'range']| 
          ['n'|'e'|'f'|'p'|'l'|'s'|'b'|'L'|'S'|'v' <entity>]| 
          ['amp' <RETURN|amplitude|*chars*>]|
          ['mat' <RETURN|material|*chars*>]|
          ['par' <RETURN|parameter>]|
          ['eq' <set>]|
          ['st' ['si']]|
This keyword is used to print entity-definitions. The following entities are known:

Nodes n, Elements e, Faces f, Points p, Lines l, Surfaces s, Bodies b, Nurb Lines L, Nurb Surfaces S, Values v, Sets se and Sequences sq

To see all known sets, type:

prnt se

Or type

prnt sq

to see all known sequential sets (sequences: Sets which maintain the history of entity selection). Wildcards (*) can be used to search for setnames of a certain expression. In this case all sets matching the expression will be listed:

prnt se N*

lists all sets starting with 'N'. To see the contents of a specific set, type

prnt se setName

In case the ``stack'' was activated the value and the coordinates of stored nodes are written to the stack. The content of the stack can be listed with:

prnt st

The index and the value are written. The value with the highest index is addressed next. The number of stack entries (the size) can be enquired (and written to the stack) with:

prnt st si

A model summary (info) is listed with:

prnt in

which will list the number of mesh- and geometric entities. In addition it lists the hidden entity 'edge' which are the free element edges. This number has to be zero in case of a closed surface triangulation which is required for tet-meshing.

To print the definition of a line, type:

prnt l lineName

An eventually assigned alias name for a given entity can be enquired with a leading question mark:

prnt l ?lineName

For elements and nodes is an additional parameter ``range'' availabe. In this case the range of node- or element-numbers will be displayed (max and min nr) and holes in the numbering are detected:

prnt n setname range

If an ccx- or abaqus-input-file was read then it is also possible to print the amplitudes (*AMPLITUDE in ccx) or the material-propperties (*MATERIAL in ccx), wildcards (*) can be used:

prnt amp amplitude-name

prnt mat material-name

If an ccx result file was read then the user headers (meta data)

prnt usr

and parameters of each dataset can be listed and written to the stack with either

prnt par

to list all parameters of the active dataset or a single one like for example

prnt par STEP

can be listed and written to the stack (see stack).

The element quality is checked by using

prnt eq setName

The failed elements are stored in set ``-NJBY''. See ``eqal'' on how to set the criterions.

Several other but not all parameters of this command writes to the ''stack''.

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root 2018-12-15