Keyword type: model definition, material
This option is used to define the plastic properties of an incrementally plastic material. There is one optional parameter HARDENING. Default is HARDENING=ISOTROPIC, other values are HARDENING=KINEMATIC for kinematic hardening, HARDENING=COMBINED for combined isotropic and kinematic hardening and HARDENING=USER for user defined hardening curves. All constants may be temperature dependent. The card should be preceded by a *ELASTIC card within the same material definition, defining the isotropic elastic properties of the material. User defined hardening curves should be defined in the user subroutine uhardening.f
If the elastic data is isotropic, the large strain viscoplastic theory treated in [73] and [74] is applied. If the elastic data is orthotropic, the infinitesimal strain model discussed in Section 6.8.13 is used. Accordingly, for an elastically orthotropic material the hardening can be at most linear. Furthermore, if the temperature data points for the hardening curves do not correspond to the *ELASTIC temperature data points, they are interpolated at the latter points. Accordingly, for an elastically orthotropic material, it is advisable to define the hardening curves at the same temperatures as the elastic data.
For the selection of plastic output variables the reader is referred to Section 6.8.7.
First line:
Following sets of lines define the isotropic hardening curve for HARDENING=ISOTROPIC and the kinematic hardening curve for HARDENING=KINEMATIC or HARDENING=COMBINED: First line in the first set:
Use as many sets as needed to define complete temperature dependence.
For the definition of the isotropic hardening curve for HARDENING=COMBINED the keyword *CYCLIC HARDENING is used.
Example: *PLASTIC 800.,0.,273. 900.,0.05,273. 1000.,0.15,273. 700.,0.,873. 750.,0.04,873. 800.,0.13,873.
defines two stress-strain curves: one for temperature T=273. and one for T=873. The curve at T=273 connects the points (800.,0.), (900.,0.05) and (1000.,0.15), the curve at T=873 connects (700.,0.), (750.,0.04) and (800.,0.13). Notice that the first point on the curves represents first yielding and must give the Von Mises stress for a zero equivalent plastic strain.
Example files: beampd, beampiso, beampkin, beampt.