Keyword type: model definition,material
This option is used to define the isotropic hardening curves of an incrementally plastic material with combined hardening. All constants may be temperature dependent. The card should be preceded by an *ELASTIC card within the same material definition, defining the isotropic elastic properties of the material.
If the elastic data is isotropic, the large strain viscoplastic theory treated in [73] and [74] is applied. If the elastic data is orthotropic, the infinitesimal strain model discussed in Section 6.8.13 is used. Accordingly, for an elastically orthotropic material the hardening can be at most linear. Furthermore, if the temperature data points for the hardening curves do not correspond to the *ELASTIC temperature data points, they are interpolated at the latter points. Therefore, for an elastically isotropic material, it is advisable to define the hardening curves at the same temperatures as the elastic data.
Please note that, for each temperature, the (von Mises stress,equivalent plastic strain) data have to be entered in ascending order of the equivalent plastic strain.
First line:
Following sets of lines defines the isotropic hardening curve: First line in the first set:
Use as many sets as needed to define complete temperature dependence.
Example: *CYCLIC HARDENING 800.,0.,100. 1000.,.1,100. 900.,0.,500. 1050.,.11,500.
defines two (stress,plastic strain) data points at T=100. and two data points at T=500. Notice that the temperature must be listed in ascending order. The same is true for the plastic strain within a temperature block.
Example files: beampik.