CBE Cross-Browser DHTML API 
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CBE is going through some exciting changes! Currently CBE is being upgraded to use object-detection instead of browser-detection. Check the site often, there will be frequent minor releases during this testing period.

Thank you for using CBE,

Mike Foster

CBE Examples


The Appearance Methods - How to control the appearance of your objects with text and background color, background images, z-index, visibility, and innerHtml.

The Size Methods - How to control the actual and visible sizes of your objects.

The Position Methods - Learn how to use the CBE positioning methods.

Position Viewer - Displays real-time values for all the CBE positioning methods.

The Clipping Methods - Learn how to use the CBE clipping methods.


Slide Basics - Intro to the slide methods and their parameters.

Linear Slide - Time-based linear motion with sinusoidal rate using the slideTo() and slideBy() methods.

Elliptical Slide - Time-based elliptical motion using the ellipse() method.

Spinners - Another example using the ellipse() method.

Corner Slide - Time-based resize (corner slide) with sinusoidal rate using the slideCornerTo() and slideCornerBy() methods.

Slide Sequence - How to create a sequence of slides which occur one after the other.

parametricEquation() - Experiments with the parametricEquation() method.


Basic Dragging - The minimum requirements for dragging a CBE object.

Advanced Dragging - Multiple, nested, drag objects with "bring to top" feature, using dragStart, drag, and dragEnd events.

Making an Element Resizeable and Draggable - How to allow a user to resize an element by dragging the bottom-right corner.

A simple Slider example.


Basic Event Management - How to start using the CBE event model.

Event Properties Viewer - Allows you to add/remove a listener for different event types and watch the event properties.


Dynamic Creation of Elements - using the methods createElement() and appendchild().

The Marker Technique - how to place absolutely positioned elements relative to some element in the flow of html.


CBE Applications


Cascading Menu explanation and template - A mouseover dropdown menu with unlimited submenus.

Panel Menu template - A horizontal collapsible menu.


CBE Dynamic Interface #1 - Two columns with header and footer. Vertical, floating menu. Dynamically resizes to fit window and content.



CBE Documentation

GNU LGPL License - This license governs the usage and distribution of the CBE library. Before using CBE you must read the license and agree to its terms.

Getting Started With CBE - A step by step guide to starting development with CBE.

CBE Object Model - Overview of the core objects and their relationships.

CBE Event Model - Overview of event flow and event listeners.

CBE Object Reference - A detailed reference for the methods, properties, and events of all public objects in CBE.

Basic Templates

XHTML - A basic CBE template which has an XHTML 1.0 Transitional doctype.

HTML 4 - A basic CBE template which has an HTML 4.01 Transitional doctype.



Online Resources

For the latest version of CBE visit Cross-Browser.com.

For free technical support visit the CBE Support Forum.

W3C.org CSS, HTML, DOM Specifications

Mozilla DOM Reference

Netscape Javascript Reference

Microsoft HTML & DHTML Reference

Opera Javascript Specs

Link To Us

If you use CBE, a link to Cross-Browser.com would be most appreciated. Feel free to use the following images.

Special thanks to Kiffin for the great button! I can't remember who made the X image (someone please remind me) - thanks!

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