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If and while demo

Figure 19: Result of If and while demo
The if and while commands can be nested. A demo which produces some points on the window follows:
text if&value&while demo
# def the leading letter of point names
valu vp P
# define the initial x value
valu vx 0.
# define parameters
valu v2 4
valu v3 1
# start loop:
while vx < v2
 valu vy 0.
 valu vz 0.
 seto S1
 while vy < v2
  # define the pnt coordinates
  valu vy + vy v3
  valu vy int vy
  valu vx int vx
  valu vz int vz
  # define the pnt name
  valu p1 & vp vy
  valu p1 & p1 vx
  valu p1 & p1 vz
  # generate the pnt
  pnt p1 vx vy vz
 valu vy 0.
 valu vz 1.
 seto S2
 while vy < v2
  valu vy + vy v3
  valu vy int vy
  valu vx int vx
  valu vz int vz
  valu p2 & vp vy
  valu p2 & p2 vx
  valu p2 & p2 vz
  pnt p2 vx vy vz
 valu vx + vx v3
 if vx == 1
   plot pa S1 r
   plus pa S2 b
send all fbd
# demo on how to write the content of variables to writedemo.txt
valu vx int vx
valu vy int vy
sys echo VX: vx VY: vx VZ: vz >| writedemo.txt

root 2018-12-15