1- Definition of the points K: pnt p0 0 0 0 K: pnt p1 1 0 0 K: pnt p2 0 1 0 K: pnt p3 2 1 0 K: plot pa all 2- Definition of the lines K: plus l all K: qlin (link the points p0 p1 p3 p2 p2 p0) 3- Creation of the first surface K: qsur 4- Creation of l0 (between p0 &p1) and l1 (between p1 &p3) sets K : qadd lo K : qadd l1 4- Creation of the 2 other surfaces K : swep l0 l1 tra 0 -3 0 K : swep l1 l1b tra -3 0 0 5- Creation of the SYMETRY set K : plot s all K : qadd SYMETRY (use both a and rr keys to select all the surfaces) 6- Creation of the volumes K : swep SYMETRY s1 swep tra 0 0 1 (all the volume will be automatically created) 7- Looking for common points, lines and surfaces In the order : K : merg p all K : merg l all K : merg s all 8- Creation of the LOAD set and ANCHORAG one K : qadd LOAD (use rr keys to select the surface) K : qadd ANCHORAG (use rr keys to select the surface) NOTA : It's easy to verify the different sets ; for example : K : plot b all (you can see all the volumes) K : plus s LOAD (you can see the set LOAD) K : plus s ANCHORAG K : plus s SYMETRY 9 - Mesh K : plot ld all K : div all mult 2 K : elty all HE20 (to specify HEXAHEDRA with 20 nodes) K : elty LOAD qu8 (to mesh the set LOAD otherwise no quads will be created) K : elty ANCHORAG qu8 K : elty SYMETRY K : mesh all (to mesh the part with all.dat name) K : send all sam (to export the mesh into Samcef format) K : send LOAD sam nam (to export groups into Samcef format) K : send ANCHORAG sam nam (see previous remark) K : send SYMETRY sam nam 10- Modifications It's possible now to make some modifications : a- open all.dat file with your favorite text editor (Vi for me) b- open ANCHORAG.nam & the SYMETRIC.nam files and do the same as previously c- concatenate under Linux the files using the following schema : cat all.dat LOAD.nam > s1.m cat s1.m ANCHORAG.nam > s2.m cat s2.m SYMETRY.nam > part.dat (all the sx.m files will be erased afterward) d- open PART.dat file and go to the end => then add RETURN e- the mesh file now works with Samcef Another interesting way : add for each .nam file an input in your bank file: input ''part.dat'' input ''LOAD.nam'' input ''ANCHORAG.nam'' etc. ... 11 IMPORTANT REMARK After, it's possible to modify the mesh into BACON (extrusions, etc. ...); that's why the element hypothesis is not added at the end of the file ; => you must define the element definition AFTER the last mesh modification (.HYP MINDLIN) 12- Comments if you've any remark or any comment or any suggestion to improve this export format, please send a mail to paul.carrico_at_free.frSo far results can not be read.