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How to map loads

Values at nodes can be mapped (interpolated) from a second mesh with the ''map'' command. This second mesh (data source or ``master'') is usually available as a result-file from a previous calculation. The ''read'' command with the ``add'' parameter can be used to include this file in the current model. Solver-input files (inp) and result files (frd) can be used as a data source. The command will add an offset to the nodes and elements so that existing nodes and elements will not be overwritten. The original mesh is the target or ``slave'' of the mapping process. The mapping process will add the values to the dataset(s). The mapped values can be visualized by selecting the mapped dataset and entity and then by plotting the slave elements or faces with ``plot fv slave''. An example of the necessary commands for the mapping process (2D to 2D) is listed below:
  Define a set with the slave nodes or faces. For example with:
    qadd slave
    comp slave do (to extend the set by the referenced faces or

  Then open a set and read the master-model:
    seto new
    read result.frd add

  If necessary move 'new' in space to match the position of the
  slave (see ``move'').

  Add the faces to the 'new' set
  (only nodes and elements are already stored in "new"):
    comp new do
    plot f new

  Define the master set:
    qadd master  (catch the right faces)
    comp master do

  Map the values of dataset 1 with:
    map slave master surf ds1

  Check the mapping with:
    ds 1 e 1
    plot fv slave

  Write the file with the mapped values:
    send slave abq pres ds1 e1

  Check the file ``slave_ds1e1.dlo'' with an editor and use it
  in an inp-file.
If the master values are not available in either inp or frd format but in any other format which can be read by cgx (isaac, openFoam ..) it is then possible to write them in frd format with the ''send'' command.

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root 2018-12-15