Purpose: Defines the nodal coordinates 1. Record: Format:(1X,' 2','C',18X,I12,37X,I1) Values: KEY, CODE,NUMNOD, FORMAT Where: KEY = 2 CODE = C NUMNOD = Number of nodes in this block FORMAT = Format indicator 0 short format 1 long format 2 binary format, coordinates float 3 binary format, coordinates double Following records (ascci, FORMAT=0 | 1): Short Format:(1X,'-1',I5,3E12.5) Long Format:(1X,'-1',I10,3E12.5) Values: KEY, NODE, X,Y,Z Where: KEY = -1 NODE = node number X.. = coordinates Following records (binary, FORMAT=2): Format:(int NCOMPS*float) int and float are ansi-c data-types Values: NODE, X,Y,Z Where: NODE = node number X.. = coordinates Following records (binary, FORMAT=3): Format:(int NCOMPS*double) int and double are ansi-c data-types Values: NODE, X,Y,Z Where: NODE = node number X.. = coordinates Last Record (only FORMAT=0&1 (ascii), omitted for FORMAT=2&3): Format:(1X,'-3') Values: KEY