Up: Input deck format
Keyword type: model definition
This option is used to define surfaces made up of nodes or surfaces made up of
element faces. A mixture of nodes and element faces belonging to one and the
same surface is not possible. There are
two parameters: NAME and TYPE. The parameter NAME
containing the name of the surface is required. The TYPE parameter takes the
value NODE for nodal surfaces and ELEMENT for element face surfaces. Default
At present, surfaces are used to establish cyclic symmetry conditions and to
define contact (including tied contact). The master and slave surfaces in cyclic symmetry conditions
must be nodal surfaces. For contact, the slave surface can be a nodal or
element face
surface, while the master surface has to be a element face surface.
Element faces are identified by the surface label Sx where x is the number of the face. The numbering depends on the element type.
For hexahedral elements the faces are numbered as follows (numbers are
node numbers):
- Face 1: 1-2-3-4
- Face 2: 5-8-7-6
- Face 3: 1-5-6-2
- Face 4: 2-6-7-3
- Face 5: 3-7-8-4
- Face 6: 4-8-5-1
for tetrahedral elements:
- Face 1: 1-2-3
- Face 2: 1-4-2
- Face 3: 2-4-3
- Face 4: 3-4-1
and for wedge elements:
- Face 1: 1-2-3
- Face 2: 4-5-6
- Face 3: 1-2-5-4
- Face 4: 2-3-6-5
- Face 5: 3-1-4-6
for quadrilateral plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric elements:
- Face 1: 1-2
- Face 2: 2-3
- Face 3: 3-4
- Face 4: 4-1
- Face N: in negative normal direction (only for plane stress)
- Face P: in positive normal direction (only for plane stress)
for triangular plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric elements:
- Face 1: 1-2
- Face 2: 2-3
- Face 3: 3-1
- Face N: in negative normal direction (only for plane stress)
- Face P: in positive normal direction (only for plane stress)
for quadrilateral shell elements:
- Face NEG or 1: in negative normal direction
- Face POS or 2: in positive normal direction
- Face 3: 1-2
- Face 4: 2-3
- Face 5: 3-4
- Face 6: 4-1
for triangular shell elements:
- Face NEG or 1: in negative normal direction
- Face POS or 2: in positive normal direction
- Face 3: 1-2
- Face 4: 2-3
- Face 5: 3-1
Notice that the labels 1 and 2 correspond to
the brick face labels of the 3D expansion of the shell (Figure 73).
for beam elements:
- Face 1: in negative 1-direction
- Face 2: in positive 1-direction
- Face 3: in positive 2-direction
- Face 5: in negative 2-direction
The beam face numbers correspond to the brick face labels of the 3D
expansion of the beam (Figure 78).
First line:
- Enter the parameter NAME and its value, and, if necessary, the TYPE parameter.
Following line for nodal surfaces:
- Node or node set to be assigned to this surface (maximum 1 entry per line).
Repeat this line if needed.
Following line for element face surfaces:
- Element or element set (maximum 1 entry per line).
- Surface label (maximum 1 entry per line).
Repeat this line if needed.
assigns the nodes with number 1, and 8 and the nodes belonging to node set part to a surface with name left.
assigns the face 6 of element 38 to a surface with name new.
Example files: segment, fullseg.
Up: Input deck format
guido dhondt