Keyword type: step
With this keyword the part of the input mesh consisting of C3D4 and C3D10 elements is refined according to certain criteria and stored in file jobname.fin. All other element types in the input mesh are not considered. Subsequently, the user can replace the tetrahedral elements in his input deck by the newly generated elements and restart a calculation in order to get a more accurate results. This has to be done manually.
For the refinement the available criteria are the size of the displacements (label U), the velocity (label V), the stress (label S), the total strain (label E), the mechanical strain (label ME), the equivalent plastic strain (label PEEQ), the energy density (label ENER), the heat flux (label HFL), the gradient based error estimator (label ERR) or a user-defined function (user subroutine ucalculateh.f). The size is defined as the absolute value if it concerns a scalar quantity and the norm if it concerns a vector or tensor.
With the parameter LIMIT the user defines a positive value above which refinement is requested. For instance, if the limit is 50. and the value of the selected criterion is 200. a refinement by a factor of 4 is aimed at. The refinement is done iteratively (3 times), and each iteration induces a maximum refinement by a factor of 2.
If the tetrahedral mesh in the input deck contains at least one quadratic element, the refined mesh contains C3D10 elements only, else it is a pure C3D4 mesh.
First line:
Second line:
requests a refinement based on the size of the stress and a limit of 50.
Example files: circ10p.