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Keyword type: step

This option is used to print selected nodal variables in file jobname.dat. The following variables can be selected:

The external forces are the sum of the reaction forces, concentrated loads (*CLOAD) and distributed loads (*DLOAD) in the node at stake. Only in the absence of concentrated loads in the node and distributed loads in any element to which the node belongs, the external forces reduce to the reaction forces. Forces induced by multiple point constraints are not calculated. Since single point constraints defined in transformed coordinates are converted into multiple point constraints in the global rectangular system, the force in a node in which a SPC is defined in local coordinates are not correctly delivered upon using the RF key in combination with the *NODE PRINT keyword card.

There are six parameters, FREQUENCY, FREQUENCYF, NSET, TOTALS, GLOBAL and TIME POINTS. The parameter NSET is required, defining the set of nodes for which the displacements should be printed. If this card is omitted, no values are printed. Several *NODE PRINT cards can be used within one and the same step.

The parameters FREQUENCY and TIME POINTS are mutually exclusive.

The parameter FREQUENCY is optional, and applies to nonlinear calculations where a step can consist of several increments. Default is FREQUENCY=1, which indicates that the results of all increments will be stored. FREQUENCY=N with N an integer indicates that the results of every Nth increment will be stored. The final results of a step are always stored. If you only want the final results, choose N very big. The value of N applies to *OUTPUT,*ELEMENT OUTPUT, *EL FILE, *ELPRINT, *NODE OUTPUT, *NODE FILE, *NODE PRINT, *SECTION PRINT,*CONTACT OUTPUT, *CONTACT FILE and *CONTACT PRINT. If the FREQUENCY parameter is used for more than one of these keywords with conflicting values of N, the last value applies to all. A frequency parameter stays active across several steps until it is overwritten by another FREQUENCY value or the TIME POINTS parameter.

The 3D fluid analogue of FREQUENCY is FREQUENCYF. In coupled calculations FREQUENCY applies to the thermomechanical output, FREQUENCYF to the 3D fluid output.

The parameter TOTALS only applies to external forces. If TOTALS=YES the sum of the external forces for the whole node set is printed in addition to their value for each node in the set separately. If TOTALS=ONLY is selected the sum is printed but the individual nodal contributions are not. If TOTALS=NO (default) the individual contributions are printed, but their sum is not. Notice that the sum is always written in the global rectangular system, irrespective of the value of the GLOBAL parameter.

With the optional parameter GLOBAL you tell the program whether you would like the results in the global rectangular coordinate system or in the local nodal system. If an *TRANSFORM card is applied to the node at stake, this card defines the local system. If no *TRANSFORM card is applied to the element, the local system coincides with the global rectangular system. Default value for the GLOBAL parameter is GLOBAL=NO, which means that the results are stored in the local system. If you prefer the results in the global system, specify GLOBAL=YES. If the results are stored in the local system the character 'L' is listed at the end of the line.

With the parameter TIME POINTS a time point sequence can be referenced, defined by a *TIME POINTS keyword. In that case, output will be provided for all time points of the sequence within the step and additionally at the end of the step. No other output will be stored and the FREQUENCY parameter is not taken into account. Within a step only one time point sequence can be active. If more than one is specified, the last one defined on any of the keyword cards *NODE FILE, *EL FILE, *NODE PRINT, *EL PRINT or *FACE PRINT will be active. The TIME POINTS option should not be used together with the DIRECT option on the procedure card. The TIME POINTS parameters stays active across several steps until it is replaced by another TIME POINTS value or the FREQUENCY parameter.

The first occurrence of an *NODE PRINT keyword card within a step wipes out all previous nodal variable selections for print output. If no *NODE PRINT card is used within a step the selections of the previous step apply, if any.

Notice that some of the keys apply to specific domains. For instance, PS and V can only be used for 3D fluids, PT and MF only for networks. Furthermore, PT only makes sense for the vertex nodes of the network elements, whereas MF only applies to the middle nodes of network elements. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the sets (s)he specifies contain the right nodes. For nodes not matching the key the printed values are meaningless. If the model contains axisymmetric elements the mass flow applies to a segment of $ 2^\circ$. So for the total flow this value has to be multiplied by 180.

First line:

Second line:



requests the storage of the reaction forces in the nodes belonging to (node) set N1 in the .dat file.

Example files: beampkin, beamrb.

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guido dhondt 2018-12-15