Summary: tendon and ligament composition and microstructure
Tendons and ligaments have similar compositions and microstructures, with subtle differences
Tendon forces larger in activities of daily living
Ligament forces generally smaller except at the limits of the range of motion
Both tendon and ligament contain about 60 percent water.
By dry weight, about 75-85 percent of mostly type-I collagen,
about 1-3 percent elastin, and 1-2 percent proteoglycans.
Elastin-the most elastic protein known gives tendon
substantial elastic properties.
Collagen fibrils are generally aligned with the direction of
the tendon, which is along the line of action of the muscle
Ligament contains slightly less collagen (70-80 per cent dry
weight), much more elastin (1-15 percent dry weight), and a
little more proteoglycan (1-3 percent)
it also has a more complex orientation of its fibrils than
Length scales in tendon and ligament
Hierarchical structures common to tendon and
ligament (Figure 4.1).
Collagen triple helix molecule (1.5 nm diameter);
Microfibril (3.5 nm diameter), which contains five collagen
Subfibril (10-20 nm diameter);
Fibril (50-500 nm diameter).
In tendon
Collagen fibrils are connected by proteoglycans and non-collagenous
Arranged in parallel discrete packets called fascicles.
Slightly crimped when unloaded
The tendon cells (fibroblasts) situated between the fibrils
Fascicles held together by a thick layer of connective tissue
A variety of nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics are
contained within the endotenon
The fascicles can slide over each other to some extent
In regions where tendons slide over bones (pulleys!), slightly
cartilaginous morphology
Avascular tendons are surrounded by a synovial sheath
Promotes low friction but restricts blood supply
A thin layer of connective tissue between the tendon and the
sheath, the epitenon, secretes lubricating synovial fluid.
Vascular tendons have no synovial sheath, surrounded by a
thin layer of connective tissue called the paratenon
facilitates direct blood supply to the tendon interior
In ligament, the collagen fibrils (150-250 nm diameter) are
arranged first into crimped fibers (1-20 mm diameter) and then
into subfascicular units (100-250 um diameter).
Three to twenty of these subfascicular units form
fascicles (250 um to several millimeters in diameter).
Fascicles do not have to be aligned with the overall
orientation of the ligament
Occasional lack of alignment is one of the main differences
between tendons and ligaments.
In the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, for
example, the fascicles are spirally wound about each other,
whereas in the collateral ligaments they lie parallel to the
length of the ligament.
The fascicles, or collagen bundles, slide easily over each other
The relative independence of the fascicles is important
Allows organs to respond to changing loading conditions
For example, certain fascicles of the anterior cruciate
ligament take most of the load for twisting of the knee; other
fascicles are dominant for translation
Hence, tendons and ligaments often have heterogeneous
substructures, anisotropy
Typical stress-strain in tendon and ligament
Tendon/ligament have similar microstructure
Tendon generally stronger/stiffer due to collegen alignment
Subtle differences based on function
Three regions
Non-linear toe (pretensioned away by muscle?)
Quasi-linear region
Failure/damage region
Stress-strain typically described with Lagrangian strain (or
“stretch”) due to large strain
\[\lambda = \frac{L}{L_{initial}}\]
Stress is expressed as:
\(\sigma = \frac{F}{A_{initial}} = a \left(e^{b \lambda}-1\right)\)
\(a,b\) are curve fit parameters to experiments
Note: \(\frac{d \sigma}{d \lambda} = b \sigma + c\) is thus a “tangent modulus”
\(c\) is an integration constant (\(c=a b\)) representing the
tangent modulus at \(\sigma=0\)
Be careful!
A Hookean (linear elastic) description and reported Young’s
modulus differs from the above
Nevertheless, Young’s modulus often reported
Take care in interpretation
Example: Porcine ACL at 2.5% per second strain rate:
\(\sigma = \frac{F}{A_{initial}} = a \left(e^{b \lambda}-1\right)\)
Tangent modulus changes with strain rate (activity level) and load
A single tendon can have sub-structural bundles, properties differ
Overall properties change with location in body and age
Typical interest is overall strength of the organ (whole ligament)
100N to 2000N depending on site, size
Other simple models
Simple micro-mechanical parallel-spring model of nonlinear
elasticity (a) and the resulting stress-strain curve (b).
Assumes different fibers recruit at different elongations
Discrete steps… though can be continuous in the limit as the
number of fibers increases
Example of the different force-deformation structural characteristics
of the different fiber bundles within the human anterior cruciate
ligament. Curves have been shifted along the horizontal axis for
clarity. (From Woo and Young in Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics,
ed. Mow and Hayes, pp. 199-243. Raven Press New York, 1991.)
Strain rate sensitivity of tendon fascicles
Tensile testing to 20% clamp-to-clamp strain with 3 different rates
showing rate sensitivity (engineering stress vs. engineering strain). [@Clemmer2010]
Average tangent modulus of tendon fascicles (n=6), taken from 5%
strain. * indicates p<0.05 vs. 0.1%/s. [@Clemmer2010]
Summary of strain rate sensitivity
Rate dependence relatively weak for physiologic rates (factor
of 2 over 4 orders of magnitude)
Also some minor viscoelastic effects
Hypothesized relationship between failure mode vs. age
Don’t forget failure can occur mid-substance or at bony interface
(avulsion) – age may be biggest factor?
Children/adolescents have different propensity than adults
Remodel (to a degree) in response to load
Tissues deteriorate faster than they recover
Time dependence and creep
Example of load-time response to stretching of the anteromedial bundle
of a porcine ACL to 5 percent strain by a ramp load at a strain rate
of 2.5 percent per second. The specimen was then held at 5 percent
strain for two hours and displayed classical stress relaxation
Intervertebral Disc
There are 23 intervertebral discs in the spinal column
Key function is to allow a limited amount of relative motion
between the bone 12 transmitting most of the compressive load in
the spine
Heterogeneous organ consisting of three elements:
Nucleus pulposus
Annulus fibrosus
Cartilaginous end plate
Nucleus pulposus
a fluid-like gel, mostly of water (70 to 90%, decreasing with age)
randomly oriented type 2 collagen, proteoglycans (with negative charge)
most of the resistance to compression comes from annulus
fibrosis (and some build up of pressure)
Annulus fibrosus
alternating sheets of type I collagen similar to lamellar bone but without any mineral
increasing collagen the outside surface
alternating collagen fiber orientation about 30-35 degrees
relative to the end plate
Cartilaginous end plate
Bone and ~0.6 mm thick layer of hyaline cartilage which
interfaces between the bone of the vertebral body and each of
the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus
Other facts
Aging degrades the nucleus pulposus, solidifying it, making it
more like the annulus fibrosus
no blood supply to the disc
no nerves
nutrition occurs by fluid transport
injury affects this process
Load-bearing mechanisms for a healthy disc loaded by (a) a
uniaxial compressive force and (b) anterior bending.
Poroelastic characteristics typical of cartilage, and nonlinear
elastic characteristics like tendon and ligament
Nucleus pulposus axis a pressurized fluid and it contained by tension in the annulus fibrosus
Hydrostatic pressure developed in the nucleus pulposus
Negative charge brings water in osmotically, the resulting
swelling resisted by annulus fibrosus (building pressure)
Compression causes a slight bulge in the annulus, creating
tension. Some of the water is squeezed out.
Compressive loading do to activities of daily living thus
brings nutrient
In healthy tissue, bending create differential tension and
compression on opposite sides of the annulus fibrosus. However, it
remains in tension overall
Highly viscoelastic due to water content.
May be modeled by a standard spring dashpot model
With aging, dehydration of the nucleus pulposis, more gelatinous,
loss of pressure, loss of support of the end plates
Comparison of the load-bearing mechanisms for a healthy (left) and
degenerated (right) disc for uniaxial compression.
Specimen preparation used for tensile testing of disc tissue
Typical creep curve for an intervertebral body-disc complex,
showing the nonzero deformation that develops after complete
This latter feature is not typical of classical viscoelastic
materials, but instead is due to water loss from the disc during
During sleep, this height loss is regained as the disc is
Comparison of the creep response to the same static load for a
healthy vs. severely degenerated disc.
The healthy disc is more viscoelastic, since it takes a longer
time for it to reach its equilibrium configuration.
It is also stiffer, because its final displacement is smaller
Herniated, or slipped, disc
Annulus can tear or rupture (called disc prolapse, or “slipped
Excessive load (too much pressure), degeneration (insufficient
development of pressure)
Neuromuscular function can be compromised if there is significant
impingement of the herniated disc against the nerve roots that
exit laterally from the spinal cord.
Also, can be severe pain!
No blood supply, disc damage cannot be repaired biologically,
accumulation of micro trauma
With degeneration, decreased disc height, slack in ligaments,
Muscle mechanics
The creep and stress-relaxation functions for the Maxwell,
Kelvin-Voigt, and standard linear solid models, in response to the
stress and strain time histories, as shown.
Illustration of the nonlinearity of the monotonic stress-strain
response for a constant strain-rate loading experiment of a standard
linear solid material. At steady state (large values of strain), the
response is approximately linear.
Example of discrete (left) and continuous (right) load
histories. Linear superposition theory dictates that the overall
response to an arbitrary load history is the sum of the individual
responses to each increment in load.
Typical phase lag response seen in a viscoelastic material in response
to a sinusoidal loading regimen. In this case, the strain response is
out of phase with the input stress history, but has the same
(Data courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Lotz, UCSF.)
Simple four-parameter model of muscle.
Examples of typical frequency responses for various spring-dashpot
models. Es-loss modulus; E-storage modulus.
Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt, and standard linear solid spring-dashpot models.
The frequency response of the standard linear solid model (on a
semi-log plot) to a sinusoidal loading, showing the storage and loss
Crescent shaped
Anchored to the tibia via anterior/posterior roots, capsule
Force distribution
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
Contact mechanics
Accepted metric for evaluating joint forces
Pressure = Force/Area
Force = Pressure x Area
Reciprocally related
Contact pressure “map”
[ ( slide credit: @Geeslin2016Cartilage ) ]
Inhomogeneous and (B) anisotropic tensile stiffness