00:44:54.726,00:44:57.726 Nicole Badour: Are the arrows that don't have q's next to them stresses? 00:45:46.152,00:45:49.152 David Lont: Which one is just sigma zz? 01:05:45.212,01:05:48.212 Gavin Hutchins: yup 01:05:47.756,01:05:50.756 Ashleigh Heath: yes 01:06:40.755,01:06:43.755 Ethan Reid: Audio just dropped out 01:06:42.281,01:06:45.281 Ron McGee-Sinclair: Did he freeze? 01:06:47.690,01:06:50.690 Tyler Bye: I think so 01:06:48.049,01:06:51.049 Ethan Reid: Yep 01:06:49.656,01:06:52.656 David Lont: He did 01:06:52.199,01:06:55.199 Gavin Hutchins: he's frozen for me 01:06:55.482,01:06:58.482 Aidan Wales: looks frozen to me 01:07:07.225,01:07:10.225 David Lont: We'll at least have time to copy the slide 01:07:26.850,01:07:29.850 Ethan Reid: You jinxed it David :P 01:07:28.362,01:07:31.362 Peter Gustafson: hold please 01:07:42.806,01:07:45.806 David Lont: I did. Sorry 01:08:38.084,01:08:41.084 Aidan Wales: no 01:08:53.130,01:08:56.130 David Lont: Time to buy a Pi400 01:09:49.706,01:09:52.706 Nicole Badour: Can you explain what you mean by no dissipation for a conservative system? 01:10:22.442,01:10:25.442 Ethan Reid: If y'all want to look into a hilariously overexplosive type of propulsion discussed at the AIAA event last night, take a look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_salt-water_rocket 01:11:47.123,01:11:50.123 Ron McGee-Sinclair: I don't think we were on this slide when you froze 01:12:01.874,01:12:04.874 Ethan Reid: We were a slide or two back 01:14:25.938,01:14:28.938 Ron McGee-Sinclair: So would P be like a spring force? 01:22:56.384,01:22:59.384 Ethan Reid: That one 01:24:02.633,01:24:05.633 Ethan Reid: Nicole had a question about the meaning of no dissipation for a conservative system