Good afternoon everybody. There's still a few students that are kind of joining us here. So we'll get started in just a minute right now. I'm just doing a volume check and a function check for the for the browser can somebody in the chat window, you know. I'm gonna try and keep this chat window open. If you guys have questions along the way I encourage you to go ahead and you know confirm or ask that question in the chat window. I will you know, that it also helps me just make sure that you're sort of paying attention and around I can be a little bit of a challenge at times when I'm giving a lecture online to know how many people are present and that people are still with us. Making sure that there's been no technological problems. Okay, I'm gonna start to sharing my screen. I'm hoping that everybody's able to see this screen reasonably well. Somebody in the chat, just let me know if that's true. We'll go ahead and get started. It looks like we have about 40 plus online. We're supposed to have about 53 or 54 students. So a few more probably will join us along the way. So the first thing I'd like to do is today is just essentially go through expectations for the class what I intend to present you what that includes things like assignments homework exams. What I expect from you in return how this semester will go, we'll look at the schedule. We'll talk about office hours basically the this first section of the lecture. I'm going to take you through the syllabus a draft of the syllabus is already on the e-learning website. We're going to use that rather extensively. For distributing all of the assignments and turning in the assignments after today's lecture. I will make sure that the latest draft the final draft of the syllabus is uploaded to the website that's so that it has all the relevant information in it. First of all, I want to introduce you to the teaching team. My name of course is Dr. Gustafson. I've been here with Western for all let's see here about 12 years now teaching a narrow space in mechanical engineering. I've been teaching this class believe or not for that entire time and this is one of my favorite classes to teach. It's the materials really right at the center of what I do in my research in my day-to-day work and and so it's just really a fun class for me to teach. What I have here is the contact information for myself, of course. I do have an office in Floyd Hall that's G 215 if we ever get to use it. Unfortunately, we likely won't be able to have office hours in the office's any time this semester. Western has instructed us that the office sizes do not allow appropriate social distancing. So we're not permitted to meet students in our offices. So if we're going to do office hours, we're going to either do them virtually or alternatively. I'm happy to meet in another location, especially when it's still warm enough meet outside at a picnic. Table or something if doing a face-to-face session would be a little bit more helpful to you. Here's my phone number 269-276-3423 that phone number does ring through to my home office, which is where I'm teaching from today. So during office hours or business hours generally you can call that phone number and it will ring my home phone after hours. I may turn that off just so that you know, I have a little personal and private space in my home, but you can of course leave a message on the voicemail system there as well. Emails another good way to get in contact with me. Although it presents unique challenges due to the volume of email that comes you can always try and I will try and get back to you within 24 to 48 hours. I do have a web page that is my university web page. I've listed it here. The web page is not terribly interesting. It has syllabi from all of my courses on it, although some of them are a bit out of date. The perhaps more relevant thing that actually is on the website is a copy of. My calendar. So if you load up the website, you will immediately see my professional calendar as well as a few personal items that may be on there. Why do I do that that allows you to if you're trying to make an office hours appointment schedule some time with a reasonable guess about when I will be free or not free. Now, of course as with all things that online calendar isn't perfect, but I try and keep that up to date so that you have the information that you need. We do have a teaching assistant for the semester. His name is Xander Sereni. His office hours are likely to be Monday at 11 and then a second office hour session at some time still to be determined. Hence. I haven't published it here or in the syllabus that's on the e-learning website. His phone number is shown you might want to jot it down. 7 3, 4, 6, 0, 4, 0, 7, 1 5. His email address is also shown here on the slide. It's notable that he does not have a webpage at least not a public facing web page. What he has requested is when students need to contact him outside of his office hours you guys are encouraged to text him first at this phone number he generally doesn't pick up phone calls from numbers that he doesn't recognize but he will of course answer the text and then you guys can work out to make a real phone call after the, Fact. I've encouraged him to provide all of his office hours of via a virtual setting for the semester. So once you contact him by text then you can schedule a time to do it using WebEx or duo or meet or whatever tool is your preferred tool. Here's the schedule for the semester. Obviously, we're going to have online lectures you guys are all here, so you've figured that out that will be Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:50 all online throughout the semester. We can do sort of a hybrid office hours if necessary especially when it's warm we could meet someplace outside once it gets colder then we can perhaps arrange to have face-to-face office hours in Parkview if you really prefer that. But most of the office hours will be held online. So my office hours will be Tuesday and Thursday as well that will be from 10 to 11 am online or you can make an appointment after looking at the calendar that I've provided you on my webpage and we can do our office hours online. There is a, Link you can see down here in the bottom left corner. I know it's not very visible to you the link to my virtual office hours. Google meat tool. However, I will also publish that link in eLearning so when you're trying to find office hours, you can do it there as well. Something I've started this year for the first time is to publish a shared calendar. This helps everybody to know a little bit more precisely what to anticipate for the upcoming week. This is just the lecture and exam calendar. A student is requesting to join us here, let me just admit him. Okay, sorry about that here is the calendar so obviously this is something where you can look at this calendar and see what the topic for the upcoming lectures will be this is the plan for the semester as I've laid it out, of course. I will update this as things change if we're ahead or behind I will update what to expect on this calendar that will help you read ahead in your textbook or any other resource that you are looking for note. I'll provide you links in the syllabus for a full screen version of this calendar perhaps more interesting that than that is this public iCal address if you're familiar with that system. I calendar is a industry standard format for publishing calendars, so if you were to go to the syllabus copy the link location for that calendar, then you can go to your own personal calendar, for example, here's my professional calendar then you can add that calendar. And I would say do it from URL, then you pop that URL in here and click add calendar and then it would show up in your Google calendar that's of course Google's method for doing it but Apple and all other calendar providers all other major calendar providers that I'm aware of can do that same process and then it would be well integrated into your phone and and other places. So I encourage you to do that it's also worth noting that you can do that in e-learning with the due dates one thing. I haven't done is to integrate the due dates into the Google calendar that's because the e-learning Dropbox system has its own iCalendar address and I think it's actually good to subscribe to both of those calendars this one's much easier to edit but the dropbox calendar of course gives you the due dates for all the assignments and so integrating that calendar would be helpful to you as well, we won't do that now, but if you need something, Help with that I can show you how otherwise just go into the calendar function within e-learning and then there's a little subscribe link which will give you the iCal address the other reason to leave that separate from this calendar is when you subscribe to the iCal address on e-learning you should that should actually give you all the deadlines for all your courses where the courses are scheduled in e-learning so you know drop boxes from your other classes would all be integrated into that calendar as well, that's why I've left these two calendars as separate entities. Any questions about that. Okay continuing down the syllabus this is the catalog description this is what you would get if you went to the WMU course catalog our purpose here is to do structural design of aerospace vehicles with emphasis on structural integrity under predominately static loads a few dynamic loads, we'll talk a little bit about dynamics as well, of course our design considerations include weight cost and mission can constraints. The vast majority of what we will do will be the the you know, this structural integrity under imposed static load that I would say is about ninety percent of the content of this course. Presumably you've all satisfied the prerequisites that's mechanics of materials if you haven't and you still need to be in this class for some reason you have to go through an exception process and I'm happy to evaluate exceptions there are they are rarely granted by the curriculum committee, but I'm happy to discuss it if there's a some sort of unique circumstance that requires us to to treat a student uniquely. Now the textbook that we will be using for the semester. I don't know if you've seen it yet or if you've purchased it it's called mechanics of aircraft structures it's written by CT Sun CT Sun was a faculty member at Purdue he's now retired this is a pretty good textbook. I've liked it and used it for a number of years. I continue to use it in part because now there are many copies of this textbook available within our AE community here at Western so it's certainly possible to be able to buy a used copy of this textbook. From one of your fellow students who's gone in front of you that's a very good reason to continue to use the same textbook even as new textbooks come out that's relatively inexpensive. I do consider that to the extent. I'm able and there are a few copies of it also in the university library if you need it. Some other reference materials that I have listed here, you know, there's many textbooks on aircraft structures some others that have been used that I have used over the years are shown here this medicine textbook aircraft structures for engineering students is a voluminous textbook, many many pages many more than the CT Sun textbook perhaps more comprehensive in that sense. I think it's a little bit harder to read and so I don't use it anymore. I actually did use it for the first year that I was here before. I found this newer textbook that I like a little better. The Curtis textbook was also used in a prior draft of this course, that was before. I taught it it's still around in the library here and it's another good reference for you. Know if when do you when would I recommend you going and seeking out these references, you know, we have a limited number of examples that we have time to do in lecture, you know, one to two per site style of analysis is typically the limit just due to time constraints in class therefore if you're looking for more examples and more examples beyond what the textbook that that you've now purchased provide, then these textbooks would give more examples and would be a good place to go look. Next we'll talk a little bit about the course topics that we're going to go over over the course of the semester. The first lecture really first real lecture that's the lecture that will start next week, unless we get a little bit of it today is the historical background of aircraft structures we're going to pick up oh approximately at the right brothers and move forward for the remaining hundred and twenty years or so of aircraft structures history, very brief overview take us about one hour or I should say one lecture.. Eighty minutes to go through it, it's kind of interesting and then we'll go ahead and get on. To other concepts the biggest concept in the class is this 2d and 3d elasticity. These are the big topics that you must know if you want to be a competent structural engineer we'll also of course talk about loads aerodynamic thrust and inertial loads because those apply in the elasticity sense but we need to be able to understand what stress is what strain is how those two things stress and strain relate to material and structural failure what is material failure, what is structural failure, what's the difference between them. Of course some other things that come along with that are deformations that's you know, essentially relative motion of the structure as it bends flexes to forms stiffness and strength concepts some things that are pretty important in aerospace engineering that mechanical engineers don't get to the same extent is beams we have a lot of beam-like structures and aerospace. So we'll spend a lot of time on beam theory at least three or four lectures on beam theory that includes bending a flexion extension torsion and sheer concepts as it relates to beam theory some very important topics to us. Once we get through that section of the course what I call the elasticity section of the course actually the course is really divided into three sections there's the elasticity section of the course there's the engineering theory section of the course and then there's the energy methods section of the course and so the last third of the course that we're going to teach the last third of the lectures will be on energy principles. These are the concepts that you may have heard of virtual work potential energy strain energy and it's those tools that allow us to to really ultimately do the finite element method which is the most popular and perhaps most powerful structural analysis technique that we have in the in the modern age. I'm sure you guys have all heard of finite element methods and many of you have probably already used them and then last but not least will will throughout the course really talk about failure we're going. To integrate that throughout the course, but really we also need to learn how to differentiate between local failure and global failure, so sometimes you can have a local failure that doesn't affect the overall structural integrity, sometimes you can have a global failure that never causes a local material failure, we need to be able to differentiate those concepts and so we're going to try and cover that throughout the course and and particularly maybe in the last few lectures we'll spend some extra time on that. So in the end, what's the objective of this course? It's to introduce you as students to the most widely used concepts in aerospace structural mechanics and really it's to provide you a foundation in this discipline structural mechanics that is sufficient to begin an entry-level professional position in practice or alternatively to prepare you to enter graduate study in this discipline so that you can become a what might be considered a technical expert. I wouldn't expect you to achieve the level of text, you know, technical expertise at the end of the class, this is more of an introductory class. But now it's the first in a sequence of classes that we offer here at Western and if you go through advanced structures and then all the way through a finite element advanced finite element, and then there's a couple of other courses also advanced mechanics of materials a plates and shells, obviously you can spend a lot of time in this discipline to become a technical expert and I I hope at least a few of you in the class will do that over the next couple of years. At the end of the semester what do I expect you to be able to do what can you advertise to your potential employers that you are capable of doing well here. I've made a list of a few of those things apply stiffness and strength concepts to lightweight load-bearing structures. No, of course, why do I emphasize lightweight? It's because aerospace structures need to be lightweight this is in contrast to many mechanical engineering structures civil engineering structures. I always like to make the contrast with civil engineering specifically in civil engineering if it moves it's broken here in aerospace engineering just about everything needs to move a little bit because of if it's not then it's probably over-designed so we have to make lightweight structures that is our strength as aerospace structural engineers and If you know, it's one of the primary learning outcomes that I would like you to achieve in this class. And of course understand conceptually static and dynamic failure modes that includes things like material yield that includes a buckling failure modes that maybe even includes conceptually things like arrow elasticity and wing divergence. Will also study and evaluate methods assumptions and approximations of structural analysis really you should be able to describe the assumptions and approximations of structural analysis because we make many assumptions and many approximations in order to make the work tractable and then lastly once you're in professional practice to be able to evaluate Michigan requirements and their effects on the design and structural integrity of lightweight vehicles so again aerospace vehicles arguably even the automotive industry. Needs to have lightweight vehicles today because of the federal you know, FMVS that's federal motor vehicle safety standards and the cafe standards corporate average fuel economy standards all of those standards in order to drive efficiency and automobiles are causing automobiles to be designed to be much more lightweight than they used to be. The method of instruction, of course in this class will be online lecture format, this is the first time that I will teach an entirely online lecture format, you know, we're we're hybrid in the sense that we can meet on campus but most of the lecture content will be delivered online. I got a taste of it in the spring but you know, this class is being moved from what amounted to a chalkboard, you know, the virtual whiteboard to now being delivered online. So that change is going to be a big change for the class and so I I ask for your patience as that occurs if things aren't perfect in how it's presented the first time around. Ultimately the course objectives will be practiced through a combination of homework assignments you're going to get about weekly homework we'll talk more about that in a few minutes and then you're also going to do a semester project it's really going to be done over the last four to five weeks of the semester where you're going to apply what you've learned in this class using the funded element method to design an aerospace structure and then write a report on it you are required to attend that is virtually attend all lecture and activity sessions unless you have an urgent need to miss them. I understand that people get sick. You know things happen you you know have an emergency accident something like that those things happen but I would like you to be here in class at the schedule time of the vast majority of the time because you know, the the interaction that we're able to do in a lecture setting I think is actually very helpful to to help you learn the material that interaction is much more challenging in this online format because in my experience US students tend to just become very very. Passive consumers much more so than when you're sitting in a lecture hall and we can interact a little bit more so nevertheless. I'm gonna require you to be here during this period and I'm gonna almost continually be prodding you to give me some sort of feedback to ask questions to if nothing else just say yeah, I get it in the chat window so that you know, I can I can really begin to understand if I'm conveying the information as I intend it. As I've taught this course one of the things that I've learned pretty well to do is to read faces and I can look around the room and and get a general sense of whether people are understanding what I'm saying or whether I'm being a little bit confusing and people don't understand well, unfortunately that's much more difficult to do in this setting so you know use that chat window to to give me some level of feedback so that I understand what's going on. Just I wanted to throw this in of course our collective health and safeties of paramount importance, we're going to follow CDC Michigan and WM you guidance on covet 19 stay home stay safe whenever you can I'm gonna do my best to make it as easy for you to do that as possible. All right with that. I'm gonna take just a moment's break give you guys an opportunity to ask questions about what we've gone over so far or you know, so pop a question in the chat window or if you want to you can unmute yourself and ask a question with your voice. The other reason for me to do this, of course is to give me just a moment to get a sip of coffee here in a momentary break of speaking believe it or not, it's actually kind of challenging to speak without having anybody respond to you for for a couple of hours straight, so we'll take break a little bit okay, so I got a question here from Nate all wine. Is the semester project a group project or an individual project we'll talk about that later. Nate I don't want to defer answering your question too much it is an important question, but we'll talk about that as we go forward here a little bit. Yeah great question who was that can you identify yourself when you when you speak? Thanks thanks for the question Jeremy so what we're what we're doing in this class is providing you a foundation to be able to analyze really any aircraft structure so that would be wing structures fuselage structures tail structures landing gear propellers engine structures, you know, all of those are critical structures to any aircraft of course and, So we're not going to be studying a fuselage per se but rather we're going to be studying all of the things that are that a fuselage made up of and I will hopefully make that more clear in the first real lecture where we focus on the history of of aircraft structures and how they have a sort of evolved over time and how we began to be able to use what we would call modern techniques like Monaco structures and semi Monaco structures. To be able to design efficient fuselages and wings, you know in the end a few slides, you know wing structurally are in some ways very similar in some ways, of course quite different but the tools and techniques that we use to analyze them are what I'm what I'm teaching you and they would apply equally to both of those structures, so great question thanks. So Scott Miller asks, what will the midterm and final exam look like in terms of taking them wonderful question thanks for asking Scott I think I'll be dealing with that in a couple of slides if I remember my slides correctly, but I can give you the answer right now anyway, that is we're gonna do the exams online we're gonna use the e-learning system, you will use the respondus browser. I don't know how many of you may have been exposed to that. In the spring semester but you'll you'll use the online test taking tool within e-learning and the respond is browser to be able to take your exam so you'll all start at the same time you'll be seated in front of a computer you do have to have a camera in order for that system to work, so if you don't have a camera in your computer you have plenty of time between now and the first exam to order a camera you like a USB or webcam that you can attach to your computer. So that you can use the respondus browser and take the exam. David Lunt asks his respondest browser compatible with Linux Ubuntu David, I love the question. I don't know if you notice it's probably hard to tell from where you're sitting. I'm using Linux I've used Linux as my essentially only operating system well beyond Android for about 20 years now so I always am keeping that in mind in the answer is I don't believe it is I tried to make it work earlier, but no, it's not compatible so you might have to find yourself. A Windows machine or a an Apple Mac in order to take the exam. I'm sorry about that this is one of the things that you know problem I can't solve I have to use my wife's Windows laptop in order to get the exam set up and monitored as well so so I'm sad about that but great question. David thanks for asking looks like I missed one Sam Christiansen asked, I understand attendance is required but will the lectures be posted on to e-learning the answer is probably not no they won't I will be will get into that a little bit more in some upcoming slides, so Sam stay tuned you'll hear a little bit more. Any other questions coming in or should we continue? Okay. So I'm gonna continue now into some of the grading stuff grading obviously is probably pretty critical to you. The grading system as well. I'm just give me one second here agreeing system is is gonna be on e-learning we're gonna use the e-learning grade book you probably have used that many times so I'm not gonna explain that in great detail to you. I will say that here's the grade breakdown overall homeworks and quizzes will be 25% of your grade, there'll be two exams a midterm in a final the midterm worth a little bit less than the final 22 and a half percent. Versus 27 and a half percent as you can see on this slide that's because the final will be comprehensive you need the first half of the semester's material in order to do the second half of the semester you can't really separate the two so the final exam has a little bit more weight and then the project itself will be 25 percent of your overall grade grading will be assigned based on points earned and it's a percentage of the points earned if you earn greater than ninety percent you get an a and then five percent increments down to sixty have to get greater than six. Ty in order to get anything better than an e and you know, when I I don't know if you guys have ever been involved in doing grading at all as I think about when I'm grating your homework, I'm just sort of asking myself is this student demonstrating an A level of understanding and then I assign points proportional to that understanding and then ultimately that aggregates into a grade at the end of the semester. The major graded items obviously the exams are a couple of the major items, but then the finite element analysis on the aerospace structure that's going to be somewhat of a big deal. The question came earlier about whether that would be individual or in groups historically speaking, it's always been individual. Last year because of the number of students that were in the class. I allowed optionally up to a group of two. I will decide that depending on how the semester is going in the middle. The actual assignment won't be released until about mid-October and at that time will specify precisely the structure and and what you can expect for that. Let's see here. I'm getting some more questions coming in. Hussain asks, if I don't have a camera in my laptop. I cannot take the exam of that is not true. Hussein if you don't have a camera in your laptop, then you have to acquire a webcam off of you know, Amazon or whatever for they can be acquired for a relatively low price and then added to your desk and then you can take the exam that way. Okay, so more about assignments as I mentioned earlier the e-learning system will be used as our primary method of distributing and collecting assignments and ultimately assigning grades the the calendar that is on e-learning is authoritative if you ask me in person or via chat or in a virtual office hours when something is due. I will respond to the best of my memory, but then I will also say that the the calendar on e-learning is authoritative. So the the things are due when the e-learning calendar says they're due. Now, if if there has been a conflict if I tell you one thing in lecture and it's not what's showing up on e-learning and of course absolutely communicate with me ask me to clarify and I will update the e-learning to be whatever I intend for that due date to be I have already posted tentative due dates for all the assignments throughout these semester on e-learning so you can do some planning and and know what to expect going forward, but really that that calendar is the authoritative source. Assignments are going to be due by submission to e-learning by the due dates specified there the due date and time being critical to the due date typically the time typically corresponds with the start of lecture so 2:30 on the due date 2:30 pm. That's a hard stop in the computer the computer when it hits 230 will stop accepting submissions and it's been my practice and policy for many years in this class to not accept any late homework. It. With the number of students that are present in the class and they need to get solutions out very quickly That's just been my policy I know that can be painful for students. I know sometimes you feel like you worked really hard and you're not getting credit for the work that you've done. I'm telling you now. I'll tell you a number of times throughout the semester a remind you of this policy. So just make sure to get it done and turned in on time. So, it doesn't become an issue for you. Of course all assignments will be collected. It's possible some homework may not be graded along the way for whatever reason. I choose not to grade it or maybe. I'm Like only choose to grade a few problems out of an assignment Unfortunately for you you probably will never know if that's going to happen beforehand. It just will be a time management issue as myself and the TA are trying to manage our time. Of course, I will publish solutions for all the homework in the homework published homework solutions. I feel are relatively comprehensive. So even on those circumstances where you don't get much feedback if we choose not to grade one or two other problems on on a problem set you still should be able to get a really good idea of how to think through those problems from. The homework solutions. Again another thing that I've done in this class historically is I've used quizzes to to encourage and not only to encourage but to actually reward participation and lecture. So pop quizzes really the the format of the quiz is typically you would come in at the start of class and I'd say all right here, you know, here's a here's a brief question. I want you to answer based on last week's homework and then usually if you did the homework and you did it well and then you studied the solution shortly after. It was released you know within a few days a reasonable amount of time then you can usually get those quizzes hundred percent very very easily and quickly completed in the lecture or in the allocated time and then you know, it ends up really bolstering your grade. It wasn't incentive to show up for lecture and to be there on time because typically I do it at the beginning of lecture although sometimes I've done it in the middle of lecture of people are kind of falling asleep and and I'm trying to bring people back into the class and and get there get them engaged again because it S very much of a hey wake up type of thing to do I would say that rarely do these quizzes ultimately harm grades except for those people who aren't showing up for class and then of course who don't get credit for having done the quiz. Now, that's what I've done historically doing quizzes with this system with an online lecture will be much more challenging. I'll try once or twice through the semester to replicate that in class experience where I'll give you a quiz. In that case, what it will likely be is I'll send you to either. Earning to answer a couple of short questions just to sort of incentivize you to always be present in lecture. And then you get the credit through doing that on e-learning and again in a short period of time so that's that's my intent just to know that that could be coming if for some reason you can't be at class and any given day. I know that happens if it's outside of your control there's nothing you can do about it. I understand of course that people sometimes miss a homework assignment or they turn it in late and so they they don't get credit so those things I don't I don't think you're a bad person if that happens once or twice. I don't even think you're a bad student. I recognize that stuff happens. And so you know don't be discouraged or think that I will think less of you and in fact knowing that that happens periodically. For reasons outside of your control. I'm gonna take the lowest grade on your homework and drop it so this is how I can get away with this and not feel guilt and oh by the way, that's also how I can get away with this and not feel guilt so you know as long as it's not happening regular happening regularly something like a late homework or a missed quiz won't negatively impact your grade. However, if it becomes a regular thing, you know, if you've missed four or five homeworks now it starts to have impact so that's that's the policy and practice that I do in this class a happy to take any questions on it if you have any and you know, hopefully that's something that you can adapt to relatively easily. Okay, so in the event. That a regrade is required, you know, I'm human too the TA who's gonna be doing much of the grading is human, sometimes we miss things if we miss something. I you know, first off I'm sorry. I will I'll do my best to reevaluate it and you know get you the credit that you merited when you submitted the homework or the exam, however. I I do really strive to grade generously as I'm doing my grading and I, Instruct my TA to grade generously when he's doing the grading and so I just want you to know that and what that means is that sometimes we'll overlook small things will make comments but we're not going to take off major points because again the course intends to be mostly conceptual in how we approach it if you're demonstrating understanding of the concepts will reward you with a generous number of points on your grade, however, if you're if you're, Getting upset and thinking we're not being generous enough. I'm just going to highlight this here. I. If I look you know don't just highlight the one mistake that I made I I can then start to look for other mistakes that you've made as well and and I don't want this to sound like a threat but it's just a reality that that often I'm looking at as I'm looking at what you've submitted. I'm looking at it and trying to grade it in the holistic sense and if you say well I want a few more points because I understand the minutia of this small point, well then I'll say okay, well you didn't understand the minutiae of that small point as well and so those two things balance out, so I I have the right to look over the entirety of. What you've done again just to make sure that I think that the grade that I am giving you reflects what what understanding you've demonstrated. I hope it it doesn't need to be emphasized as to emphasize too much but the general WMU academic integrity standards apply for all materials in this class anything you submit you need to submit following the highest standards of academic integrity when you do exams or quizzes these must be done individually following all the gender general standards and of course any specific rules that I've defined for that particular assessment event. Exams quiz is completely independently now homework starts to be a little bit of a challenge, what do I mean by a challenge it homework often exists in a ethically somewhat more gray area, why do I say that I say that because often you'll learn more by communicating with others about what you're thinking while you're doing the homework. So you need to do the homework assignments individually unless it's a group assignment and then of course do it in a group. I encourage you actively encourage you to discuss the homework approach with your fellow students. Describe what you're thinking have them describe what they're thinking go through and try and sort of exercise many different approaches to one problem so that you can see it from multiple perspectives, however what you formulate document, are you what you write down and submit as your solution that part of it must be done independently. I hope that's clear you can talk about what you're gonna do but then when you actually do it the homework must be your own homework and it can't be just copying somebody else's homework so in the end submitted homework must accurately resent represent solely the work of the submitting student when and if you're discussing what you're doing with other students great tell me who you worked with so that I can sort of tie those things together really that helps me feel more confident that you're doing what you're supposed to do with. Regard to. I couldn't academic integrity. I've had problems in this class in the past. I'm sure every faculty member has had problems after they've been here for as many years as I've had inevitably they'll be a couple of incidents in your career that you look back and say, oh my gosh, I can't believe those students did that we're going to really avoid that in this class. I know you guys are going to follow the highest academic integrity standards, but you know, if something happens then what? I'm going to make clear absolutely clear at this point you cannot seek nor this should be nor subsequently submit as your own any existing solution in any form. So if you looked up somebody else's solution to a problem and you submitted as your own that's an academic, no-no. And I take those things quite seriously this type of thing includes but is not limited to solutions that maybe would have been published in prior semesters of this class, you know, something like a course Bible I know you guys have heard of those existing solutions manuals from published textbooks if you you know hire somebody outside. I know this happens. I hope it doesn't happen here at WMU or at least not frequently and it's not you guys that are doing it. So you cannot use external tutors to do your work don't go to other websites or web resources to try and find solutions to the homework. I understand that sometimes this seems ethically gray and there's a difference between trying to use the web to find approaches to doing a problem and that perhaps is somewhat different than trying to copy solutions. I think you guys know the difference if I am concerned about what you've done. I will take it to the academic integrity board and and let a third party assess whether whether what I am concerned about is valid or not, so the limitations that I'm putting on this are going to be interrupt. Ed in a broad sense. I'm getting a question from from a student so no check yes, absolutely no check don't use that. You know if, I'm pretty certain that you guys understand the difference between right and wrong you've been in the academic system a long time, if you're concerned about what you're whether what you're doing falls within acceptable use as my policy is applied ask me. I would really appreciate being asked and then I'll give you my my advice and if appropriate my consent to do things do that prior to using any external resource that might be available that way you just don't get yourself in trouble again if you're Suspected of being dishonest in the academic sense. I will open an academic misconduct case on you and refer you to the office of student conduct it's it's it's a problem we've had problems in the department and in the college, in fact we we have problems almost every year some years much worse than others. I really hope that that never becomes an issue but I'm just telling you now that I'm I take it seriously. This is the university recommended policy statement on academic integrity that they ask us to put in our syllabus so it is in the syllabus it's your responsibility to understand what's right and what's wrong with regard to academic honesty and I anticipate no problems but I encourage you to familiarize yourself with what the catalog says and again as I mentioned previously consult with me if you're uncertain. Do it before rather than after and then we will have any problems. You know, I mentioned that I will in fact encourage and incentivize attendance through the quizzes attendance is important, however, of course the health and well-being of our community is more important. Don't attend face-to-face class if you are ill or suspect illness fortunately we're not going to have too many face-to-face opportunities or unfortunately I guess depending on your perspective and not much face-to-face in this class, so even if you're ill you probably still can't attend the lectures if they're virtual unless you're really sick if you are really sick and you need some assistance. I don't be afraid to ask let me know what's going on. I can do my best to coordinate assistance. I you know, we have some resources to help students when they're in trouble. And perhaps the most important resources is just communicating in and getting help from me if I'm able to or if I'm not able to I can often point you to some other services that the university has by the way, if you're if if you or your fellow students are in distress know also that there is there are services that the university has you know, essentially mental health services things like depression or or fatigue or suicidal thoughts things like that. If any of those things are something that you might struggle with, you know, reach out don't don't keep yourself isolated reach out. I can help find resources at the University if necessary to help you deal with those issues, of course. I'm not trained as a social worker myself but I can I can get help for you and you know, I'm very concerned that you guys stay healthy and and leave this place better than you came. Some of this stuff is a little bit redundant, of course the quizzes. I've already mentioned for the unannounced quizzes in an online lecture you'll be informed during the lecture and will be directed to the e-learning system to complete the quiz in the allocated time. Because whereas we're going to use respondus browser for any exams if it's a quiz I won't use respond as browser, you know. I know some of you may not have great access. To computers that have webcams you know the one of the students had asked that question if I don't have a camera can I not take it well for the exam you have to figure out how to get a computer with a camera worst case comes you can you can find a computer with a camera at the university that you can check out or have loaned to you for that short period of time to take the exam or you can go into Parkview and potentially take it there if you can work with somebody there to find a computer for the quizzes. I can't expect and demand that you. Are prepared for them and quite the same way so the quizzes will just be via the e-learning system. I won't therefore you're not gonna use the respondus browser and a camera it would just be a short answer type of quiz very quickly done on the computer laptop, whatever it is that you would be listening to the lecture on. Will you receive a link to download respondus was a question from Isaac go to e-learning system the resources and instructions for using the respondus browser are in e-learning. I will before the first exam. I will give you a. Oh what would a sort of a test run I guess you could call it exam where you will be able to log in and make sure that everything's working correctly to know that your equipment is capable of doing it in a low low impact. I low risk environment where it won't affect your grade we'll do that maybe a week or so before the first exam to test out the equipment but that's not going to apply to any quizzes that are present. Since lockdown browser is required we'll notes and books not be allowed for the exams that was a question from Alex Alex, I have not yet written the exams that I'm going to give these are the first exams that I'm going to give in this format. I imagine. I'm going to have to change my practice a little bit so I it's not entirely clear to me even yet how that will be structured. I will give you plenty of notice on what to expect for the exams as they're coming up, you know, if you look at the calendar items. Let's see here, so. AE 463, the first exam is October 27th. So we have what about six or seven weeks before we get to that first exam. So I'm not concerned yet oops, excuse me, that that you won't that you won't have time to get your equipment in order. And of course so it's I still have six weeks to figure out precisely how I want to structure the exam to make it both efficient and effective for an online setting. Again, I just want to emphasize the grading policy the policy that I've described one drug dropped homework is designed to allow for unexpected circumstances with any of these things that are unannounced. So, you know, if your browser didn't work that day if it's a quiz then that falls under that policy. Just a few comments on classroom etiquette and and online learning etiquette. These are things we're all learning now. I'm sure you've gotten a lot of exposure and experience using these online tools over the last six months as have I If we were in the classroom, I would very strongly discourage laptop and cell phone use of course, we're not going to be in the classroom. So what am I asking of you? I'm asking you to use appropriate discretion when participating in all these online learning activities. Very specifically what am I asking limit your multitasking? You know focus on lecture like it's lecture like you were physically in the classroom and I I'm I would actually like you to enable your video if if you have a camera on your laptop and technological limitations don't prevent it. Now that way I sort of can see your face a little bit then understand who you are and and maybe try and read believe it or not. Actually have two two computers here going at the same time one of them is just your faces. So if you see me looking to my left which in the screen might be your right, I'm looking at your faces. I'm trying to see who's there and and whether you're getting what what I'm describing to you. So if you turn your video on that actually helps me a little bit. Of course it's generally appropriate to disable your mic unless you are actively speaking you guys all know that I'm I'm not concerned that we're going to have a problem in that regard, but follow these guidelines generally. I got another question this one from Caden. Asks, if we turn in all the homework is the lowest score dropped the answer to that question is yes. So if you turn in and get say nine one hundred percents and one seventy percent on your homework, then the seventy percent would be dropped and you'd have a hundred percent average for the for the semester on homework. So yeah, it's not really intended for that purpose rather it's intended to address those isolated circumstance and circumstances that may prevent you from. Turning something in on that particular day. But if you do all your work and turn it in on time then I guess it sort of amounts to bonus points. Chris. Weaver asked does that apply for the quizzes also? Yes, it does Chris. So you get one dropped event one dropped graded item from the category of quiz or homework. Now in the event, I give a lot of quizzes if that were to happen, which I don't really anticipate just because of the format of the class being taught. I don't anticipate a lot of quizzes, but if we got up to the point where we had 20 graded items out of that category of quiz and homework then I might at a later point in the semester decide to drop two things but I'm not going to promise to do that that and ultimately depends on how many graded items end up happening. The number of quizzes are unknown. I have a pretty good idea that you're going to have nine or ten homeworks, but it could be ten it could be eleven could be nine, it depends on how the semester is going. Okay, so a couple of other preliminary items we're now off the syllabus we've moved past it everything that we've talked about up to this point you'll find on the syllabus that's published. These what follows is not I will mention that this class is a mathematically rigorous class. At times it can be intense. It will take you back. Oh, at least a couple of years in your study of calculus. Differential equations linear algebra things that you studied as a freshman and sophomore and perhaps have unfortunately forgotten a little bit over the years it is somewhat strange how we teach math in the university setting we teach you how to do it before we give you the application and then a couple of years later we give you the application and hope that you remember it. So that I recognize that that's the way it structured hard for me to change the whole university structure that's an inter college interdepartmental problem. So what I Will suggest to you is spend some time over the next week. Go back and understand basic calculus again. You need to be able to integrate and differentiate functions. Particularly polynomial functions, we do that a lot in this class, simple trigonometric functions sign cosine arcsine arc cosine tangent natural log exponent, you need to be able to differentiate and integrate all those functions and do it relatively quickly and efficiently and accurately because you're gonna have to do that in an exam setting and so you're not gonna have resources to go back and remind yourself during the exam how to do that. So definitely go back and spend a little bit of time doing that some other things that come up quite frequently in this class that maybe hasn't come up in some of the other classes that you have done go back and remind yourself the difference between a definite integral and an indefinite integral. Teach yourself or relearn or just review how to change variables from one one variable to another most commonly that would be something like changing from a Cartesian to a cylindrical work coordinate system, but that's not the only application of change of variables that will encounter in this class will do it for a number of sort of artificial coordinate systems that will create over the course of the semester so you need to remember how to do that. And you know in the next week or two I would definitely go back and in fact some of the homework that I will assign and maybe a quiz I will deal with some of these issues to help you remember what you have learned and hopefully not forgotten. Hussein asked the exams and quizzes are going to be open or closed book again that depends did. I answer that question or not? I forgotten if I answered that generally at that will depend and I don't know the answer to it yet. As you're taking you know sitting through these lectures watching online. I would encourage you strongly to take notes much of the content to the courses mathematical it at times will be quite difficult to display on the projected slides particularly when somebody asks a question and I need to make a change to how I'm describing something, you know, if it's I can't type in new equations often it takes a long time to type the equations into begin with but then modifying them on the fly is going to be very different. I do have this tool that you've seen me use a little bit where you know, I can write on the board virtual board so to speak a mathematical symbol like infinity, unfortunately my handwriting with a mouse isn't terribly good it was bad enough to begin with and so that can be difficult we can also do things like right on a virtual chalkboard. But again that's an imperfect system so what's gonna happen is you guys are gonna need to be able to take notes on your own and I will do my best to convey the information as I can over the semester and over the lecture despite this first lecture much of this course will be taught sort of on a virtual board with this virtual chalkboard that I have and I'm I'm gonna write by hand and and use a tablet to display some of those things. I will do my best to prepare slides in advance but that's an extremely time consuming item so it's not always going to happen in advance and some of it will be taught virtually and so therefore, you know, I encourage you guys to take notes as we're going along on, you know, this adjusting this class in particular because of its heavy mathematics will be a challenge for me. I'm I'm putting in a lot of time on in it already as the semester gets busier there is some risk that I won't be able to make all those adjustments before class and I have to continue with a virtual. Blackboards, but so to speak which means that it will be you know, your own ability to take notes will be really critical. However, I recognizing that there is a lot of content in that it can be really time consuming to take notes and and sometimes you notes are imperfect. I also want to provide you an opportunity to have some access to the notes that I'm generating. I've created an electronic course pack. I initially had created one for Android and one for Apple satisfying all of the students, hopefully in the class if they had you know, because those are the two dominant mobile operating systems. Unfortunately Apple has subsequently said that the notes that I've prepared were a book rather than a course pack so in their infinite wisdom they said I couldn't post it anymore. I couldn't make any updates to what I had already submitted so unfortunately at the moment. I cannot advertise to you a location where you can get a copy of the notes on your iPhone or iPad, however if you have an Android device, you can go get the electronic course pack. I'll publish the name of it. I honestly don't remember the name of it right now. I'll publish that to you on the e-learning website you can use this QR code to go find it if you'd like and that's something that you can have access to I of course recommend that you do that but it's not required and it's certainly not required especially if you have eye devices, you know, the iPads or the iPhones. I'm going to still try and reconfigure it in a way that gets it past the, Eye police that don't permit me to be as flexible as the Android people do so I you know, this is not required but it is an option if you have an Android device note that there is a fee that you're going to have to pay to get to those this is you know, the the fee ultimately to phrase the cost of hosting the content and licensing software necessary to to create the content and stuff like that, it's a I hope and acceptable fee. I tried to keep it reasonable not. Many users so the cost has to be kind of borne out over the relatively small user base but it's out there if you want to use it. If you don't use it if you choose not to use it you're still going to get all the same material in the lecture content and so it's not like you're missing something it's just maybe helpful if you decide to use it. Note that all the homework everything else is managed entirely through the eLearning system, not the the app stores. So if you don't if you don't access the app stores, you're not going to be in any trouble whatsoever. I will say that the lecture content the the outline and the most of the material that I'm presenting in the lectures the content is mirrored in the course pack so you know, if you if you don't want to write very long equations by hand, you can have those equations. You can look up those equations in the course back that it's electronic. Alex says, Can you show the QR code again? Yep, there it is. Alex 1. Says Juan has posted for all for all of you. I want is posted a link to the respondus lockdown monitor. I assume that's some instructional materials for you guys as students to use it. So that's now in the chat window. Thanks Juan, I appreciate it. Alex this the actual link that the QR code points to is will be on e-learning as well. So if you don't get a chance to get it now, you will still get a chance to get it later. And one other thing I'll say about the Android course pack it. I will be continually updating it as I update my notes as the notes get better. I'll update it and then of course you can always download the updates through the Android system like you're accustomed to or the iPhone system the Apple App Store if I if I get past the eye police and get back into that store. Then you'll get all the updates, you know, hopefully in perpetuity for as long as I'm teaching this course as things get better, you would still be able to retain those and and hopefully have a pretty good resource for you at the end of this class. Okay, my clock says 15:42 that would take us to the beginning of the next lecture, of course, we're not going to start that. We're going to start that next week. Today is Thursday Monday will be Labor Day no classes on Labor Day Tuesday, we'll be right back here at 2:30. So I look forward to that. I'll say goodbye to anybody who needs to leave otherwise if you still have questions or just want to hear other people's questions and answers Hangout for a few minutes. I'll finish up the remaining time today taking your questions. Okay, so Caden asks for homework, do you have any problem with it being done in MATLAB rather than by hand? Oh great question. Caden. So by MATLAB I assume maybe what you're asking is when you do symbolic manipulations in MATLAB, is that what you're asking? Sure, he says So the, So I'm gonna say that I I'm I actually am happy if you can use a symbolic manipulator to do your mathematics. I think that's a great skill to have as an engineer. It's something that I do a lot of the material that's developed for this class. I actually developed using something called Maxima which is similar to MATLAB symbolic or similar to mathematica some of those other tools that you would have had. The it's fine, it's great. The only thing is is it can be quite difficult to digest as someone who's then looking at it and just seeing sort of a strange format so it's still your answer needs to be formatted in a way that it's easily digestible to the greater to myself to the TA in order to be able to do that. So, so yes, that's fine. I will caution you though that you're not gonna have use of that during the exams, you're not gonna have use of that during the quizzes. So, you know, don't get out of practice and doing those basic calculus things those basic operations integration differentiation change of variables. You need to be able to do those anyway. So Garrett asked the question if we buy the Apple course pack as it is right now, would it update if you got access to change it? The answer is. Yes if I get access it will be updated Garrett, I have to tell you that Apple is known to be pretty hard knows. I argued with them virtually for you know, a number of weeks last fall and ultimately they decided that I hadn't met their standard. They wanted to be a textbook. It's not yet ready to be a textbook because I'm changing it. I'm improving it all the time. So, I wasn't ready to. To just put an isbin number and international standard book number on it and and call it fixed to forever and so they they basically locked me out. So, but if if I get access again, I will update it as soon as I can. Hey, but I'm still in lecture. Sorry everybody, my son is joining us he's seven years old, he's anxious for me to to get get out of here. I guess. Let's see here. Vegaard says, we'll be we'll be able to access the fun at element method software for our project at home or at the WMU computer labs, just just a moment guys if you would. Lecture you are interrupting there are 45 people who I'm talking to you right now who are not being spoken to because you're interrupting now, please leave the room. I'll be done in five minutes. Sorry about that, okay getting back to the questions at hand so the question was about getting access to the final element software at home, so the soft rule will be abacus the computer lab at WMU has advocates you can download a student version of abacus and do some work at home though not all the work you can't run the solver at home for any reasonable number of nodes but you can do the, What amounts to CAD geometry generation and job set up at home and then it's my understanding that Chris Rand and the the people down in the computer lab have set those up to be accessible via remote desktop and you can do that from home so you would be using and reserving a computer at WMU for your individual use although you'd be using it via remote desktop at home, so I think that answers that vaguard if there's any other questions like I can address it later. Garrett asks is it still a good reference that I assume is the Apple version of the notes so when I first released that last fall I had probably the first five or six lectures in the content that was there. I didn't have the whole semester's content in there and that's when they cut me off so I would say at this point it's not a semester long reference, it's rather a first five weeks reference Garrett and so I you know, I didn't put that up as a QR code. I didn't. Put it up on purpose because I'm not really advertising that you should go get it. I honestly don't even know how to turn it off. I don't think I can turn it off and and remove it from the App Store maybe I can but I might have to pay a hundred dollars to get access again to be able to remove it so I have a few issues with the Apple folks in that regard, but so anyway bottom line is I'm not recommending it at this time. Oh Steve says tell him hi. I assume that's in regard to my son same from Ashley Ethan, hello. I'll tell Andrew will be excited to know that you guys all want to say hello to him. Any other questions out there? Okay, thank you. Okay, so Amir Amir says the Apple version has up to torsion and solid shafts. So that is actually about two-thirds of the lecture content. Amir thanks for telling me because I had forgotten exactly where I had to ended that however there may be a few things in it that you know, there's always typos and things that as I go through the semester are updated some of those would not be as corrected as they would be in the Android. So it's definitely lagging the Android version. That is the Apple version lags the Android version, but I'll try I'll do what I can. I'll see if you know I'm putting a lot more dynamic content in this year that's one of my intentions to make the the system much more dynamic and interactive and at some level. I will achieve a sufficient amount of interactivity that Apple will allow me back in. That was their standard. It had to be quite interactive for it to not be considered a book. So at least now you understand a little bit about what the burden is there on me. Okay, any other questions? All right, we'll wrap up for the day. Thank you guys for your attendance. I look forward to the class. I look forward to hopefully meeting you guys all in person at some point if I haven't met you before. Hopefully seeing you guys and talking to you individually in a little bit in office hours and I will I'll talk to you if if not before then at least next Tuesday. Andrew, where are you? Where? I'll see you. Oh, can you come here? Hey, we have.