AE4630 - Aerospace Structural Design:
Lecture 10
3D Elasticity
Brief announcements
- I reviewed due dates on e-learning
- Moved the final to its appropriate time 12/17 12:30PM
- Moved the project back two days to 12/10 2:30PM
- Grader has completed 95% of homework 5, homework 7 is next.
- Don’t forget about the limited number of licenses for software!
Report expectations
- I will grade the reports on gradescope. Upload the pdfs there.
- However, you must submit the supplementary materials into the
- I am putting together an approximate rubric, and will publish it soon
- I put the Abaqus intro lectures into the app (as
requested)… they might not be active until this evening.
Lecuture “10” is empty and is a placeholder for an future advanced topic. AE4630 students, please skip to lecture 11.